SweetNameless the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


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SweetNameless live! sex chat

Date: October 17, 2022

15 thoughts on “SweetNameless the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. u/_sinja, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. There's really nothing else to do than to break up. I'm really puzzled about why he hasn't done that already. He clearly doesn't like her.

  3. It seems like when we’re no contact, everything that I do, see, eat, etc. reminds me of her and thoughts of her come flooding back. Did I just not have long enough periods of time in between for the memories to fade away?

  4. Are you just sitting around waiting for his replies? Do you not go to school, work or have hobbies? You need something to occupy your time, preferably something that will better your situation like a job or school or something you enjoy.

  5. Stand by your ultimatum, and don’t waste time on someone not willing to give you what you want. He’s 32 ffs, no little kid who is too young.

    For that matter – why don’t you propose? Whatever he replies with, at least you’ll know.

  6. How many hours a week does your wife currently get to knit quietly without the kids interrupting her? It sounds to me like you have a LOT more free time to do whatever you want with than most parents of young children I know. Would you say she has an equal number of hours a week that she gets to do with as she pleases?

    How old are your kids?

    It sounds like your wife is telling you that she’s exhausted and burnt out from being alone with the kids. It also sounds to me like you are trying to give her relief in the way that YOU would want it—trying to get her to go out and do things or pick up hobbies, when that has never been her. I would guess she just wants you to take over when you’re not working more often. You say you do that as often as you can, but…again, you spend WAY more time on personal hobbies than anyone I know was able to when they had a baby at home. 100% of the time you spend on hobbies is time your wife has to be responsible for two small children without support.

    From what you’ve typed out here, it sounds like your wife is working much much longer hours than you are, frankly. And it doesn’t sound like you’re super aware of that. She’s being super passive aggressive in communicating with you, and you’re not being very direct with her either. You just note her frustration, and blindly guess as to what you should tweak without ever sitting down and having a tough conversation with her.

  7. This is absolutely disgusting! When he goes on his trip you shouldn't be there but divorce papers should be husband should be going ona trip with another woman. Open your mouth and say something! Don't sugarcoat it.

  8. I think your bf just wants her to move in with him. Minimizing her attraction for him as everyone including her bf is aware of her feelings for him.

    She’s all over him in front of everyone so she’ll do much worse when no one’s around.

    Tell him if she moves in you’re out.

  9. Call non emergency police or 999 if you're concerned, she has no right to threaten to harm herself because you are leaving her, it's extremely abusive behavior

  10. No self respecting 34 year old would have interest in dating someone your age. If you choose to ignore that, you can't be surprised by his behavior.

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