AmyLuisa online webcams for YOU!


AmyLuisa Public Chat Channel

Date: October 17, 2022

11 thoughts on “AmyLuisa online webcams for YOU!

  1. At 3, I bet if either of you took a look in her mouth, you could see that she’s cutting a new tooth.

    And chew stims are widely available. He can give his daughter the option of several when she does bite.

    And I do think she will conflate snuggling with being struck if his is how he continues to handle her.

    I don’t agree with spanking either. It’s angry, reactive, no creative parenting

  2. You’ve been with this douche nozzle for 6 months and he has already given you orders on when you are permitted to get phone calls from friends???. Then he gives you the pretentious song and dance about a guy friend he’s never even spoken to or met disrespecting him, in order to pressure you into submitting to orders to drop the friend? Hon, he is just getting warmed up, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

    Maybe he deliberately sought such a younger woman because guys like him think such younger ladies are naive and easier to coerce, manipulate and be controlled. They usually won’t see you as their equal. Hit him with a dose of douche be gone spray.

  3. She asks you on the hour every hour if you’re going to break up and every person in your life has felt the need to actually approach you and tell you that you deserve better?

    Sorry dude but read the room here! She clearly drains you of energy and even you don’t enjoy this

    Time to send Needy Evie on her way and if she tries to manipulate you by claiming she’ll be alone or depressed you alert her family and friends what she’s saying and let them deal with it

  4. So my passwords are going to be changed for the things he does know. He doesn’t have access to my credit and debit cards. He’s never used them himself and he’s never had access to them without me being there. And only people who have been telling me to leave him know where I’m moving to. Not anyone else will know. I know the people who will know where I live won’t tell him. I won’t even be in the same city.

  5. But she gets to sleep with him when he wants her to, and cook for him, and act like his mother.

    She gets to experience the joy of catering to his needs for 28 days!

    What more could she ever dream of!


  6. Even though he has made you upset, frustrated, and resentful, he is expecting you to cater to him for 28 days like a mother, a sugar momma, a therapist, a wife, a sex doll, who is suppose to act like a ditzy oblivious chick with their head in the sand, all while feigning admiration and respect. Did I leave anything out here?

    You know this is going to backfire horribly if you even attempt it right?

  7. I completely get it — I was with a guy I started dating in high school, and we were together almost 7 years. He changed for the worse about halfway through and at the time I thought if I stuck it out we could be happy eventually. He was everything I’d known, and we’d become so engrained in each other’s lives, and the idea of undoing all of that was terrifying.

    Looking back now, damn I so wish I didn’t give another minute of my time to someone who didn’t deserve it. I can say for certain that I’m in a much better place now than I would be if I’d stayed with that asshole, and so will you. You don’t need him.

  8. Don’t let him mess with your head. Yeah you had the most open convo you’ve ever had because he dumped you. He clearly wants to play the field and have you as a second option. You need to block him because he’s not worth your time.

  9. Are you putting in a lot of effort to him? A relationship is two ways. When’s the last time that you planned a date for you guys? I feel like the more you give the more you get sometimes. You can get into the cycle of feeling unappreciated and it can really bring you down guys like to get spoiled just as much

  10. She’s young, almost a year with someone who she’s expressed feelings to about wanting to receive more, and he sees it as a chore??

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