Nariseoullive sex stripping with hd cam


7 thoughts on “Nariseoullive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Why didn’t she go on her orgy trip and then return and confess her feelings for you? She sounds a little dumb, tbh.

  2. Refuse her. Relationship needs to be between equal parties. You can't be the only one willing to make compromises. It is aslo better to live together only when you both can support your relationship.

  3. It's not you at all. They're little boys wanting gfs or their own but, since that's not happening, they're codependent of each other and jealous of you for being the reminder that they don't have a girl and you're taking away one of their members of the lonely man group.

  4. I’m confused. She had your credit card info, that you gave her, so it wasn’t like she stole it. Does she realize that she paid for everyone ? Did you actually have a rational conversation about it before thinking the worst of her? Like “hey babe, what’s this $300 charge from the bar last night?” .. you don’t know her intentions until you talk to her.

  5. Not with me and not divorce. I mean think this through. Figure out your needs here and the likelihood of them being met. There might be many things to try and consider before divorce.

  6. And you’re right — a relationship is between two people, but it seems like you’re the only one trying to make things right. Do you want to continue doing this? You either stay in this relationship, and constantly worry about upsetting her and never knowing why, or you can leave and find happiness alone or with someone else. You deserve happiness.

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