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itsmesaxylive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for on-line sex video chat itsmesaxy

Model from: in

Languages: en

Birth Date: 1985-08-07

Body Type: bodyTypeAthletic

Ethnicity: ethnicityIndian

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorBrown

Subculture: subcultureGlamour

Date: October 18, 2022

14 thoughts on “itsmesaxylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Depends on the guy, really.

    But your best bet is:

    (1) Make eye contact.

    (2) Smile and be friendly, but not stalker-crazy leering.

    (3) Take an interest in what they say. Ask questions.

  2. It was a kiss and no more, no sex and no continuation of anything else. Not excusing the kiss. The girl has long left the organisation.

  3. You contradict yourself a lot in this. You said you would only date with the intent to marry. You have been dating him and see a future. At some point he will have to meet your family. Why not now? If it's just that you're scared then you aren't mature enough for a serious relationship. Being in a relationship means standing up against your parents sometimes because they won't always agree with you or your partner.

    I never said he couldn't meet my family. In fact, i suggested it. I told him i was ready to take the next step but i am old fashioned and even if my family let me move in with him, i wouldn't because i don't agree with it, he knew that prior to us getting together. Us moving in together was the ultimatum i didn't agree to. He said he knew i would die without my family and he knows what he's asking of me and he'd rather lose me than me lose my family because i'd resent him forever if i lose them.

    And it's a bit ironic you say i don't stand up to him because while i won't go into detail about it, i know it couldn't be further from the truth.

  4. So you essentially said “thanks for being my lab partner! Now can you be my fleshlight?”

    And you expect her to still sit next to you and be chummy? JFC dude, leave her alone.

  5. Marc sounds like a toxic asshole and I'm surprised you're putting up with it.

    1 – Your dad did something really nice for you, and it's not like he doesn't know what he's doing. He's a literal mechanic and fixed your tire and saved you probably a lot of money. Marc got pissed and it sounds like it's just because he doesn't like your dad and made you take your car to the shop regardless (which, if your bf is a mechanic wouldn't he want to save you money too and fix it himself if possible? If your dad could do it without a shop I'm sure your bf could?) yikes.

    2 – Your dad calls Marc out on his toxic behavior, Marc freaks out and tells you to cut your dad off. I get that his feelings are hurt and his toes got stepped on but HE wasn't helping you with your car and your dad did. He can't be pissed that your dad helped you when he seemingly wasn't? And it WAS rude of him to freak out over your dad's work when that's literally HIS JOB. It's Marc's job too but come on.

    3 – Marc CONTINUES behind your back and tries to ruin your tentative relationship with your dad. Yes, your dad did bad things but it's not Marc's decision whether or not you keep him in your life. But threatening your dad “you're lucky she keeps you in her life” is just a bad look.

    4 – Marc then says he needs your “support” BUT HE'S THE ONE BEING A TOXIC JERK??? Your dad helped you. Marc wasn't helping you. Marc judged your dad, ended up costing you money possibly to go to a shop, badmouthed your dad, threatened him with his relationship with you, all because your dad told him not to judge his work. I understand if your dad really did fuck up your tire even more but it sounds like he was trying to do a nice thing and marc just blew up because he doesn't like your dad.

    5 – Marc doesn't even like who you are as a person. He calls you a “kiddult” (rude much???), criticizes the things you like, expects you to always have something to talk about but then criticizes you for talking about what you want to talk about. He will yell at you because you don't pick up on things quickly. None of these traits are the traits of a good partner.

    These are the traits of an abuser. He's isolating you from your family, he berates you, he doesn't care to care about what you like but expects you to like everything about him I'm guessing, he calls you names and belittles you.

    Explain to me again why you want to stay minus the fact that it's just the sunk cost fallacy speaking and you feel like you have to because its been 2 years?

  6. Given what your wife did, I would see if using that against would show she's an unstable and irresponsible Mother. She left her kids with her Mom to fly across the country for sex.

  7. I think he needs to tell her that he was angry but that he's gone off to do some research and he's realised that not only a) what he saw her doing was completely normal and safe but b) he completely underestimated how unbelievably naked it would be to be dealing with postpartum and unmedicated ADHD.

    He needs to tell her that he's sorry, she's doing an amazing job, he was an ignorant asshole, and that he hopes that she could forgive him but understands if not. He then needs to be supporting all of that with his actions.

    However the default to “feminist” and “sensitive” as well as the remark about “culture clash” suggests to me that these are problems that run very deep with this guy, and she'd see pigs fly before she'd see the above response in earnest.

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