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AdelaMoraleslive sex stripping with Live HD


8 thoughts on “AdelaMoraleslive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. I briefly thought “huh, what are the chances they're in the same small city as me” and then I checked and it's a chain with like 15 locations, I'd just never seen any except in Exeter lol

  2. The therapist did not suggest this. Your wife did using the therapist as an excuse. If agree to this she will leave you within 2 years because “We didn’t mean to fall in love it just happened.” She probably already has someone in mind. Go to couples therapy or file for divorce.

  3. You're not mad that she “abandoned her morals,” you're mad that she wasn't banging YOU. You want to lie to yourself, that's fine, but literally everyone else can see what this actually is.

  4. You’ve been together for 5 years, never talked about porn, and she has never seen you masturbate before (it sounds like something you don’t do together either, which may have normalized the visual to her). This means she probably assumed you just didn’t masturbate all that time, so it’s shaking up her world view that you do – it feels like you’ve been lying to her, even though it sounds like you just thought masturbating was a normal, private thing to do whereas she thought you weren’t doing it.

    Learning/seeing anything new about your partner of five years can freak you out if you weren’t expecting it.

  5. 80% chance you’ll regret it but I could be wrong. After 20 and you still want her then sure, then again I’m just a stranger and don’t know your situation.

  6. Ask yourself if you could on-line with him if he never changes. What about having queer friends? What if your future kid is gender fluid? This isn’t a minor issue, he hates a significant percentage of humans just for being who they are. That’s not something I could on-line with

  7. I don't know if I'm just clinging onto something that jsnt happening, or if this is a 'one who got away' kind of thing or what is going on. But I don't understand why I still want him and want something from him

    sounds like it to me. if it was going to happen, it would have.

    i think you like the ego boost of his attention. but i think there's no substance there.

  8. You're vocally anti kids and he's got a kid with mad behavioral issues. Why would you stay in a relationship like this? His kid is abusing you and you're just taking it? Have you told his father and you said he's now doing it in front of him. What does dad do about it? You don;t need to do anything but leave a potentially dangerous situation along with the fact you don't want kids.

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