Alisa, 20 y.o.
Location: Chaturbate
Room subject: I will suck my finger and look straight into your eyes while the last tipper controls my lovens for 4 minutes [272 tokens left]
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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Alisa
Date: January 23, 2023
Strings. It's all strings.
I don't know if this is help, but rather than focusing why she said “yes” to your first date, try focusing on why she's stayed with you for 7 years after that date. It's because she fell in love with you. It's because she determined that, although maybe she would have preferred to go on a date with Mark before knowing either of you very well, you are the one she decided to stay with. She's made this decision every day for the last seven years – the decision to be with you.
It's also overwhelmingly likely that if Mark had said yes to her all those years ago, they would have gone on a few dates and then broke up. Of all the couples who've gone on a date together, what percentage have went on to get married/be happy together? It's gotta be like .00001%. You two are in that .00001%. She and Mark almost certainly would not have been.
My thoughts exactly. I would have dumped him after the saved very hot pics, it’s never just hard pic. But even after the tinder thing she stayed. So what if she was pregnant. She should have dumped him and taken him to court for child support
Has she had a physical lately to include a discussion on her mental health?
How does she pay all the rent? There's no rent to pay!