Alyssa Fabulous, 20 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms Alyssa Fabulous
Date: October 3, 2022
Alyssa Fabulous, 20 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
truthfully, let it go. it isn’t an big deal
You both should have had the conversation about the open relationship before he made the account and offered to do stuff for others. I have to say that this doesn't look good. I do agree that he is at least bi
No problem! People need to be more supportive and less black and white
you prioritize the truth. You prioritize morality over your brother’s shitty behavior. You did nothing wrong. Don’t listen to idiots who blame you.
She has a boyfriend and you are asking her girlfriends for info about her.
She has switched jobs and gyms because you are creepy stalker. Of course she's upset!
As someone who also had trouble regulating my emotions (honestly, my temper is legendary in my family, and as a child/teenager, there was no one who could hold a grudge like me), I get it.
My tip? If you can, walk away from the situation. Don’t talk about it in the heat of the moment. Wait. As a rule, I refuse to talk about anything that has made me angry, or upset, for at least 24 hours. Write how you feel in a letter, or an email, or as a note in your phone. And then delete it. Most of the time, I realise that I was actually being unreasonable. If I’m still upset, I’ve had time to work out why I was, and I can clearly explain what upset me, and what my exact emotions are. When I talk about it, I also have a rule: no questions at the beginning. Let me get it all out first, and then I’ll answer any question you have. But first I need to get it all out, in one go.
As for staying in touch with an ex. Emotions are complex, and they don’t always make sense. It is possible that you BF dislikes his ex as a girlfriend for how she treated him, but likes her as a person. Getting older can also mellow you out. For the longest time I hated my high school BF for the way he broke up with me & his reasons. Our relationship was great, but as exes we were toxic. It took time, but we got past it, and we forgave each other for what the other did. We got back to a place where we could be around each other & have fun again, but there was never anything romantic. I can now look back on our relationship fondly, and not focus on the negative. He is a fantastic person, and I still see his accomplishments on social media, and I am so proud of him. I will always have a soft spot for him, but there is nothing romantic about it. And I know he is not my person. He hurt me, and god knows I hurt him. But we were young & learning so I can’t hate him for it.
Your ex will try to sleep with you at the first opportunity and your boyfriend isn’t an idiot so he’s fully aware of your exes intentions. You’re naive as fuck if you think maintaining a friendship with an ex is healthy for your current relationship.
Ugh this is just gross. Especially an almost 30 year old is in the group making fun of a 19 year old? Your boyfriend needs better friends or you need a better boyfriend.
I've done stuff like this and hurt my wife, because I'm also a dumb idiot man that just wants to help without realizing it can also hurt the people I care most for. Just be clear with him, once you're further along he'll need to let them know he's not going to be available to help as he has his own family to care for.
In general what his parents are asking for is wrong. They're framing it like they're not asking for money, but time is much more valuable, and if their not offering anything valuable in return they really ought to be selling the business.