Angelina, 19 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start online video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms Angelina
Date: October 13, 2022
Angelina, 19 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start online video press there
Exactly! I've been scrolling trying to find any sort of non biased take. They were BOTH having issues in the relationship. She also had trauma. Why is she allowed to act all different when he finally feels comfortable enough to tell her his trauma. And then goes and cheats on him. She's a POS and I feel terrible for OP reading this thread of people just destroying him when she was obviously the one at fault.
I'm 10 years older than you and I definitely agree.
My preferences have always been sense of humor, intelligence, honesty and loyalty before all else.
Seems OP may be a sapiophile and he needs that type of stimulation in a relationship.
My gut says it's definitely her.
I know my only option is to rehome hence my post. I actually have a home in mind, not a shelter. My post was advice for how to bring it up with my husband but thanks anyways!
Just tell her that you arwn't monitoring all her activities anyway do you it's always her choosing to be faithful not you making her be so. Therefore she should be open about such things, because lying does raise your suspicions more than clubbing itself.
Do yourself a favor break up with your bf and experience without the thought of ever going back together.