April Alcott, 18 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start online video press there
Live! Live Sex Chat rooms April Alcott
Date: October 4, 2022
April Alcott, 18 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start online video press there
I don't know any women like that in 2022, defs not my mom, sister and women in my family. I guess this has to do with how you are raised.
Back to the empathy and not using other people's weaknesses argument, aren't we?
As a person with a small walk in closet and a husband who also likes to be a human sock we have about 130 hoodies and its fine.
Back to the empathy and not using other people's weaknesses argument, aren't we?
Tell her even a 747 seems small when flying through the Grand Canyon.
If I was him, the second you asked, the marriage was over
You can’t force somebody to change. You could have a serious conversation with him about your expectations for him for chores and I think that is totally fair, but as far as his lazy lifestyle goes there isn’t much more you can do besides continue offering and inviting him to change. He has to want to change himself. A frank conversation about your worries for his health is the furthest you can really go.
You are reading too far into something.
Are you thinking he’s saying he’s happy now because he was so unhappy with you? Stop. You said it was an amicable, mutual breakup. So while he may be sad inside, he might not be devastated, because it sounds like it has been coming for a while.
Asking him why he’s posting things in the wrong thing. You don’t get to have insight into his thinking if he doesn’t want to. And you friends snooping and telling is childish. I understand why he blocked all of y’all. He doesn’t want to keep having this conversation with you about anything he posts.
Block and save those messages in case he wants to infiltrate your group of friends so you can warn your them by sharing the messages and stop any possible interaction.
It’s just a ring. If you care so much about what others will say that’s are some really convincing fakes our there. Just get one. Or even a lab grown one….
You should have broken up with him before when you realized after two years he's still not what you wanted.
So do it now and set each other free already