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AwesomeSexPartylive sex stripping with hd cam


17 thoughts on “AwesomeSexPartylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I mean you’re not to your final career yet either, you’re in grad school. Why don’t you trial run living together for a week and see if you even like it? And if you do find some place to split that’s within both of your budgets.

  2. The relationship you have will be the template your son learns from. Don't set a bad example and go back to a terrible wife.

  3. For a relationship to be successful, both people have to be pretty much on the same page.

    You two aren't even on the same chapter.

  4. What is the difference between him watching lesbian porn and one woman? He's imagining fucking them no matter what. That's what you do when you watch porn??

  5. If he doesn’t even live in the same place as you why would you be looking for more than casual? How could that work?

  6. Don't go back to her. You might miss her and all, but as you stated, you deserve better. There are plenty of people out there, and you'll find someone better.

    Now, I don't know if that was your first relationship but I'm going to assume it was. You were 17, you had this relationship for 7 years, and when it ends after so much time passes one usually starts to miss NOT the person, but the memories, the feeling of being in a relationship.

    It happened to me with my ex: Whenever we broke up (toxic relationship, not cheating) I always thought about going back because of the good moments we had, until I noticed he was not good for me and I ended the relationship for real.

    It took me a little more than a year in the middle of the pandemic and I had so much emotions fighting inside me, but the most common was pain. Eventually that pain faded away. Slowly, by hanging out with friends (one of the “restrictions” in that relationship) I stopped thinking about him at all, and I realized that I wanted the feeling of loving someone, not him. I even downloaded Tinder (it didn't work, people at my city scare me, lol). Some time after quitting Tinder and just living life it happened, I fell in love with a friend I had a crush on years before. After some time we started dating and now we're one year into an amazing relationship.

    Advice: Take this as an experience and focus on rebuilding yourself and your trust in others if necessary. Reconnect with people you care about and hobbies you like or want to try out. Learn your “yes” and “no” in relationships, romantic or not. Don't search for love when you're still hurt. Give yourself time and tools to heal that wound, it might take a while but you can do it.

  7. If you’re not at school with her, this type of thing is going to happen is what I’m saying. This time it’s just a girl.

  8. Tell him from now on he can take public transport to you when he’s ready. No sense in wasting gas on him, shits expensive. What does he think this is 1999?

  9. So it's pretty obvious that both of you are miserable with each other. You should not be trying to fix this relationship as his behavior is abusive and unacceptable. Regardless of anything he says or tries to guilt you with, separate and cease contact ASAP so you can both move on.

    In terms of your future, you should seriously evaluate your motivations for cheating. Was it just misery in the existing relationship? A general dislike of the restraints of monogamy? You should spend some time looking at your feelings and motivations before you get into a new relationship; if you don't want to be monogamous you should specify that up front to any future partners.

  10. Oh my goodness.

    She's a BABY!

    How insecure do you have to be to think demanding respect from a literal infant is okay?

  11. The fact you did it on purpose means your don’t respect her decision/choice. That’s just as bad as her trying to push her decision onto you or other omnivores. Come clean and learn to respect each other’s decision

  12. Your reaction to him is accurate and warranted. Controlling, unreasonable and unacceptable. Don't let him gaslight you into thinking anything otherwise. It's downright stupid and ridiculous. It's some discoloration. Who fucking cares??

    I would be hurt by someone who is that obsessed with hyper pigmentation and critical too.

    If hes gonna act like that, leave him at home.

    Tell him you're gonna be honest when they ask where he is. “Oh he's at home because he didn't want me to leave the house with me having hyperpigmentation under my arms.” Warn him you'll tell folks if they ask because it's the truth and if he'd rather be embarrassed by your underarms than THAT, something is wrong with him.

    Don't give into this, it's not right. And you came to reddit because you know that and want confirmation – he's totally in the wrong.

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