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Bella_Inkedlive sex stripping with Live HD


11 thoughts on “Bella_Inkedlive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. Ehh, don't listen to these people. They've never been outside their United States/Central American bubble, so they haven't experienced much.

    For thousands of years (even here in the United States) women have been marrying men “to survive.” Arranged marriages still happen to this day in India, Pakistan, and many other Asian countries…

    India's population will surpass China's by 2030.

    Your friend is an idiot and statistically, will likely end up divorced marrying an American woman due to the culture.

    If you want a traditional woman, then you must be a traditional man and provide for your family (you should NOT expect her to work).

    Do what makes you happy, you'd be surprised how many arranged marriages work out, so by proxy, I don't see how this (Passport Bruh stuff) is much different.

    I'll give a solid piece of advice. Never look to one group of people for advice, you want a Worldly response for this kind of stuff.

  2. He’s already making you question him, not worth it. You deserve someone who doesn’t fake a trip with a family member so they can spend time with a girl you said made you uncomfortable.

  3. The only one that knows the answer to your question is you. The rest of us only know what you said. These are some things that you might want to consider. If meeting is expected to lead to a break then you will always be a nevermet. Can you live the rest of your life as a nevermet? Are you going to be able to be celibate forever? Are going to be able to be without hugs and kisses forever? Do you want children? Will you miss having the comfort of sharing a bed with your loved one? For me, the answers to the questions describe 1/2 of life. Best wishes.

  4. Take satisfaction that you did the best you could for someone in a bad spot, but don't take on further responsibility for this person. Maybe in a few years they'll grow up enough to be able to have a conversation with you that would actually be helpful, but it's very obvious they're not there yet.

  5. I'm sorry but if nothing sexual happened and you weren't even 18, I don't understand why what you did was so wrong. Pedophilia is a serious accusation and I'm concerned that 1. your partner is the one who made you feel so guilty about this previous relationship, even though 2. the age gap between her and you is WAY MORE WEIRD. Note, I didn't say pedophiliac, but the difference in maturity between someone who is 30 versus 20, compared to the difference between 18 and what, 14? Much bigger IMO with your partner than your past relationship.

    Your partner has issues and it sounds to me like they're manipulating you to cover their own bullshit.

  6. Wow. He acts like you nothing but a body, which he owns,and you are trying to find a way to save his feelings. Just… Wow.

  7. Brilliant comment! You absolutely nailed it! This is exactly what went down and this poor bugger couldn't see it because of those rose coloured glasses he was wearing. I truly hope he sees her for who she is and what she did to him, and ghosts her foul a**, now.

  8. So your parents are controlling and she was in a relationship with a controlling man? I bet they don't see that connection. But they should. And they should maybe discuss it with a family counsellor

  9. Like you? Sure, but there is like you, and there is 'like you'. It could be he just likes you as a person to work with, and helps you because of that. Some people you just click with, others not so much right? Or the other obvious one: he hopes for more outside of work. The question should be first: what do you want? Then have a talk.

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