Blondie, y.o.
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Date: November 2, 2022
I wasn’t impeding we live! on a busy street off the highway ? he has a circular driveway and I just noticed his very specific car was not there. I don’t care was just curious because I thought it seemed like weird behavior and I’m not looking to be someone else’s accessory to cheating but go off.
Ok sounds good. Sometimes people invest more in the other person than they get back. Wanted to make sure you have your own thing going on. The reassurance/safety seeking and overthinking is what cued me to asking about anxiety.
I think I would describe Safely intertwining as Handling the relationship in a manner that lets you fully experience the highs and keeps you prepared for the lows and knowing where the exits are.
Unfortunately we are unable to know what the future might bring and what people do when they are away from us.
There are various affordable workbooks that are aimed at handling infidelity in marriages. It’s not exactly your situation but perhaps you might find useful information.
She made her own post.