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brinathebrattlive sex stripping with Live HD


7 thoughts on “brinathebrattlive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. You answered yourself mate. You’re too immature to have a serious relationship. So you won’t be able to.

    If you decide this dream woman is worth it, commit to her and do the work of growing in maturity. But don’t half ass it otherwise you are just selfishly wasting her time.

    A really mature and self aware move would be to share your thoughts , fears and concerns with her and give her the opportunity to choose wisely herself. You might be able to say ‘I really hope you are still available and interested in me when I am able and ready to be what you need and deserve’ and part ways. Shows integrity.

    Be compassionate and honest to both of you when you think this over and act accordingly.

  2. Why would you use condoms from someone who wants to baby trap you? Why would you trust she was on birth control?

    Bigger question

    Why was a 36 year old woman dating a 23 year old man? I mean yeesh. Wtf do you even have in common?

    Don't sign the birth certificate until the DNA test results come back. Don't move in with her at all. Honestly you need to break up with her. There's just so many red flags here.

  3. Cool on girl, do it professionally if you want.

    The compliment part of this depends how you are handling the conversations around the meal though. Are you actively pushing the conversation to revolve around the meal? Is it the majority of the talking points you have? Are you asking leading questions about the food and their thoughts on the food?

    Ask him to elaborate on the compliment fishing aspect, he might be one of those guys that never receives compliments and has a no news is good news mindset. Could help to shed some light on the situation.

  4. All you said is that he ignored you for a week straight because he was mad, you didn't give any reason or story behind it, not saying he is right for doing so, but there is a reason behind everything, for all we kow you could've cheated on him and now he is giving you the silent treatment.

  5. Exactly this get a gf that actually has respect for you not just as a damn ATM. No woman that cares about u will ever allow other's to abuse your kindness. Especially not doing so herself.

    She wanted to use u to flex on her friends and it backfired..she sounds like a child.

    Expect better for yourself yikes.

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