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Carmen_Monroelive sex stripping with LIVE Cams


14 thoughts on “Carmen_Monroelive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. Hello /u/straw_kat,

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  2. My sex life is none of anyone's business – including yours. Different people have different fantasies, and different boundaries of what is sexually acceptable.

    It seems like “masturbating thinking about other people four years ago before I met him” is a boundary that he somehow violated. Breakup with him, and find someone who's more sexually compatible.

    Trust me, masturbating thinking about someone you know is extremely mild compared to what other people – including women – do!

  3. Well, for some people in their mind the Earth is flat, there are lizard people among us, and when we die we're transported to a plane of existence where we become one with the great space dragon and fly through the stars…. it doesn't make it true.

  4. Umm, your friend is not the only one who is not doing well financially OP.

    Far from you being the one who should apologise, I think your wife should be for being so financially irresponsible. If she had her own income then yeah, she can spend money like a drunken sailor in a bar on payday, but she isn't! She is in massive debt and seems quite happy to keep adding to that debt – to both your detriments.

    So a quick question then. How is she affording to stay at a hotel whilst she is busily cracking the shits at you? More credit card debt one assumes.

    To be honest, she is not the one who has any entitlement to be shitty here AND you should be aware that as you are married, and regardless of whether you maintain separate finances, you are as much on the hook for this CC debt as she is.

    This is not just her debt but it is yours as well.

    It's time for you to put your foot down and start taking steps to isolate yourself away from this debt. You are digging yourself a massive financial hole by not telling her to pull her head in and stop spending money she plainly doesn't have.

    And you can start by not taking her on holidays and start paying down this debt.

  5. You talk to Emma and clarify whether they have some sort of open relationship arrangement. This is unlikely given Emma's reaction, but might as well cover your bases. If Emma says yes, don't forget to check with Olivia.

    If not, tell Emma she has X days to come clean to Olivia, otherwise you will tell her along with evidence. It should come from her if possible.

  6. Omg. That's horrendously rude. Just, how could she not mention you?

    The best case interpretation of this is that she's shallow, self focused, and does not have the social graces to understand how to introduce people.

    The worst case interpretation is that she actively hids your relationship live! and in real life because she wants to appear single. Very rude.

    The “influencer” thing is maybe part of this, but the real issue is treating you and your relationship with such disrespect that she can't tell people about hit.

  7. What can you do? Three options. 1) just let it be and trust your gf. 2) break up with your gf. 3) tell her she can’t talk to him and be a controlling bf. Your pick, but option 3 doesn’t usually end well.

  8. I'm just going to repeat the same answer to clarify things a bit

    I earn a little less than the established minimum wage, which in my country is about 600 dollars a month, I earn 540 dollars, I know it sounds little, but hey, we all know how currencies change

    I'm from Mexico, more precisely a state called Sinaloa, here mental health is almost a taboo and it's generally very expensive, about 50 dollars each session, again, it doesn't sound like much but it's 10% of my salary just per session

    And obviously if there is someone in this thread who can help, I am more than open to trying to change this, which is what I want the most

    I also talked for a while with my wife about the responses to the thread and we laughed a bit, but overall things are fine, I'm not a horrible husband or a monster like everyone thinks, but these sleep problems are starting to be a big problem

    she just gave me my birthday present (a nice bottle of a good perfume) now she will go to the cinema to see Mario while I spend the whole afternoon with my little girl watching some movies or playing fortnite

    and you all really should understand that one aspect of your life does not define your whole person, I am not a great husband or father, but I always try and I think I do it well, also, they should understand that outside of the United States there are many people with opportunities different, for some of us it is not as easy as just going to the doctor and that is a great privilege that not all of us can afford

  9. Honestly, you probably should end you engagement, not because you should give it a shot with Clark, but because it's so easy for you to just say “maybe I should dump him now that that guy I had a crush on 11 years ago and was never even in a relationship with said it was planning on proposing to me randomly even though we were never together”. If it was that easy for you to think you should toss the guy aside, then you aren't ready to be married and you certainly aren't ready to be married to him. He deserves better than that.

    Of you aren't enthusiastically marrying the guy, don't marry the guy.

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