Cat Berg – My Birthday & Christmas are both this month! Celebrate with me ❤️, y.o.
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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Cat Berg – My Birthday & Christmas are both this month! Celebrate with me ❤️
Date: December 8, 2022
If you’ve considered the possibility she didn’t have much choice due to peer pressure/group dynamics and that she may not have been totally comfortable with it herself… And that many many people, like me, don’t consider lap dances to be a big deal (I’m in the UK so maybe it’s a cultural difference) then my job is done.
Do not do it. This is insane
I agree. We met the other day and had a disagreement
She's 25. You owe her nothing. Literally. She's an adult and needs to learn how to manage her own life without help.
I agree with both of those. 2 birds 1 stone. You confront him by telling him “Wtf is this BS, you led me on when you have a fiancé?! She has a right to know about what you were doing.”
Its shitty situation for sure. Your job will likely be jeopardized if he plays the power trip move.
I don't know… you have to do some soul searching here.
Seeing how he is an overseer. It should go to HR. You might not have been the first. Get above his authority line.
….perhaps OR…..
Maybe you’re not very good at foreplay. Maybe she’s a responsive arousal type and has to get in the mood by actually doing vs just feeling horny. Or maybe she’s exhausted from keeping up a home and not getting help or feeling appreciated. Or maybe she’s mentally overwhelmed with work.
A therapist would be a good idea.
Personally, I’m a responsive//reactive arousal type and up to 50% of women are. Some of us just don’t really feel horny until we are in the heat of things. And it’s very mental.
So if I’m running check lists in my head about all the crap that needs to be done around the house or at work, it’s going to be very difficult for me to get in the mood.
One of the best things my partner can do to help me is take over making dinner, hand me a glass of wine and send me to soak in the tub and read a book for a bit and unwind. When he steps up and takes things off my plate, I’m far more likely to initiate.
But again…maybe you’re not so great in bed too? Because it’s not fun to get all messy and just feel like a human flesh light.
I'm not trying to be rude but there are so many red flags here I don't even know where to begin. Why do people insist on knowing their partners sexual history? And what I'll never understand is why be jealous of it??? That had nothing to do with you and is none of each of your business.
The biggest red flag is the no JO rule and that you measure the lube. That's insane and shows so much immaturity and insecurity. I can't even imagine what a relationship with that kind of controlling nonsense would be like. It would be an absolute deal breaker for me. Both of you should not only masterbate but do it regularly and enjoy it. It's very healthy.
I think you both need to seriously see a relationship therapist to help you each recover from this very immature and unhealthy relationship. You both have major codependent, insecurity and immaturity issues that definitely need to be worked on. There's no way this relationship will last. While you're in therapy hopefully both of you will mature and not carry these ridiculous issues into a new relationship.
Best of luck.
You need to include all the information in the post originally you did not so there was a bunch of information left out
It's because he probably is a high schooler. It's spring break.
I feel like it would be annoying to be compared to exes all the time though, this is his first relationship so I feel like he doesn’t understand being cheated on /lied to ya know? I think he just gets frustrated and annoyed, I just can’t believe he would intentionally be manipulative he knows I’ve had sexual and emotionally abusive relationship in the past
Right? Dude wanted a prenup up until a few weeks ago and now he wants full access to her money. What changed his mind that suddenly? Did he see her bank statement? Does he have a lot of debt? This smells all wrong.
Sounds like she was trying do a meme ( rather dryly) and it came out wrong.