CelesteVixen online sex chats for YOU!


16 thoughts on “CelesteVixen online sex chats for YOU!

  1. The second they invited you to their bedroom, the threesome is no longer just their secret. It is yours to disclose with whoever you want. And I can tell you, secret’s always come out eventually. You would be in the wrong to not tell your partner. You would also be in the wrong to expect her to be completely ok with you living with people you slept with.

    If you are serious in the aspect of looking for a future with her, and potentially wanting to start a family, then you owe it to your relationship to be honest. Also, I’d try to find a new place to live!. I can’t imagine anyone being completely ok with their partner living with former lovers.

  2. hey, I'm sorry, i fucked up in the way i approached this whole question. please read the edit, I didn't mean to say that it's a huge issue. the post is written more because I am afraid to hurt her by not providing enough validation on her physical appearance when she asks for it.

  3. That’s my immediate thought too, but she just seemed so out of the ordinary with the way she talked, not herself at all. As if she was drugged, and speaking nonsense, which makes me uncertain.

  4. Another slam: he could have suggested some Kegels.

    (good for everyone, for lots of reasons, but has a sting to it if said to either gender right after sex)

    OP, kudos for not being petty. Mad respect for restraint when that has to hurt. You should feel safe and even more bonded to your partner after intimacy, not confused and ashamed. You keep doing you, but do you far away from that ex gf, and don't think about her cruel words again!

  5. Seek therapy. Donnt know what abdl means, but age regression and trauma call for therapy. It can only help you find healthier relationships in the future.

    You are young, and you have been groomed by a predator. It's normal to want to live your life. Stop feeling like you need to apologize for your thoughts!

  6. He’s basically telling you that you should not voice disagreement and that he wants you to be subservient. Are you okay with that?

  7. That is so weird of him.

    If he doesn't tell you who it is exactly then you need to put your foot down. I wouldn't trust him a bit if he's refusing to send you the message.

  8. I can see why it bothers you, it's clear she is still processing and recovering from her experience and it can take years. Better to talk to about it with her and I would recommend therapies or some reading materials to help her through it. Abusive relationships have a lasting effect on people and it takes time to reshape our thinking and look at things from a different angle/for what they really were.

    Also, this was probably the longest relationship she had and through her younger years, this may be the primary model of relationships she experienced so she will compare new/current ones. Through doing this she will learn what a (hopefully) healthy and loving relationship is or unfortunately (unconsciously) repeat or seek patterns or behaviours of that relationship.

    Empathy and patience is what I'm trying to put across but you are right to want to put boundaries in place for your own comfort and wellbeing.

    I Recommend Lundy Bancroft – why does he do that?

  9. The only thing I can tell is that I don't think your train of thought is correct. Not because you don't want children mind you, but the reason why that is.

    You shouldn't hate yourself, it seems you feel like it you are blaming your character for your parents neglect of you. You should address it on therapy. If the reason why you do not want children only stems from traumatic life you might end up regretting not having them later in life.

    Obviously as it is right you are incompatible with your bf.

  10. Honestly honey- he hasn’t been a father for a month. That would require him to actively take part in raising his child. He sure as hell donated the sperm, but he’s not a father. You’re in physical pain and he sounds essentially useless.

    It sounds to me like you’d be better off finding out what your options are. Because even if you decide to stay with him- and I wouldn’t, for the record- trust me when I tell you that at least if you’re divorced you won’t expect help from him.

  11. See what she does when you turn the tables on her. I do t like games but it’s your turn to play naked to get or dump her. You deserve so much better.

  12. Bruh how dumb you gotta be to say something like that to a partner… Not saying RUN, but be careful my dude, stupidity can be worse than evil.

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