Dontsaythat29 the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Dontsaythat29

Dontsaythat29 online sex chat

Date: October 17, 2022

5 thoughts on “Dontsaythat29 the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. You can't possible compare him talking about getting out of an abusive relationship to him needing to control his words better right?

  2. As a man I would never comment on the appearance of another woman, even someone on TV, in the presence of an SO or woman I'm interested in. I would say a comment once in a blue moon is okay, annoying but whatever. Constant remarks are concerning. Have you let him know it makes you uncomfortable?

  3. It sounds like you have more shitty friends than just Leslie. I would have a serious conversation and if they still back her, dump them too.

    I'm sorry you've had some rough years with relationships. One thing I've learned is that yes, those of us with trauma pick the wrong people sometimes. However, we also learn and grow. You just need to dump a few more abusive and toxic relationships here.

    I hope you are continuing in your therapy. It may help to have an objective professional help you unpack how you also have abusive/toxic friends and not just SOs.

    Just know that there is nothing wrong with you. Some of us just attract toxic people due to lack of boundary setting. They know how to spot us and they are master manipulators. It took me a very long time to realize this and know that my husband is not one of them and will never be. I waiting for the “other shoe to drop” for too long because I was so sure I would never find a healthy partner.

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