Emili the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Emili, 18 y.o.


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Emili on-line sex chat

Date: October 10, 2022

3 thoughts on “Emili the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. It’s very salty of her to want to take the stuff back after the breakup.

    Just save your energy and peace of mind give them back to her whether she has space for them or not. She did purchase them after all.

    Or give her the cash if you want to keep them. I wouldn’t pay the price she paid years ago though. Things depreciates.

  2. This is why open relationships keep falling apart. It's supposed to be romantically exclusive and with other people you can only have sex. It's obvious you don't do it with people you have some emotional connection with. It defeats the purspose of all of it.

  3. She was asked explicitly for what she nitpicks, so she only described things she nitpicks. That doesn't mean “everything he does” – we have a very small sample of things here (and only the descriptions of the bad).

    If it's her stuff getting ruined, including her sleep (she said he's playing on his phone in bed next to her), she is not out of bounds asking him (respectfully of course) to consider different approaches (like if he wants to game on his phone, to take it to another room – apparently he just doesn't want to).

    A partnership is consideration of both sides, and it sounds like he's not considering a lot of how what he does affects her (/her things).

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