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Languages: en,it,de,nn,zh,ar
Birth Date: 1984-03-10
Body Type: bodyTypeAverage
Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite
Hair color: hairColorHairless
Eyes color: eyeColorBrown
Subculture: subcultureGlamour
Date: October 6, 2022
The whole “bigger penises HURT” narrative that u hear from us sometimes is very much TRUE. The best sex of my life was with the ex who had the smallest size, because we could actually DO things without worrying about pain and discomfort. Different speeds, positions, multiple rounds, longer time period, etc. Big dicks r fun to gawk over but are not practical in the slightest. I just read a thread on the askreddit sub that asked “have u ever broken up with a man because of his penis and why?” The number 1 reason for breaking up on that thread was “his penis was TOO big”.
You asked your gf a question and she answered honestly, because it’s the truth, maybe she’s been with some other people who were bigger. Doesn’t mean that she prefers that over you! I’ve had bigger than my current partner, but that’s nothing more than like, a random insignificant fact of my life. Diversity exists, people have physical differences, it’s inevitable. You might have had girls who had larger breasts than she did, or different body shapes, or idk different hair colour lmao, but I highly doubt you’re looking back and thinking “damn I prefer those traits over my current gf’s traits”. I’m sure your gf isn’t comparing you or secretly wishing you had like an 8 incher or something lol.
Exactly! It takes empathy to understand that your partner is bringing home the bacon for the whole family. Some people get trapped in the gender role mentality. It’s simply not the case. At the end of the day, a stay at home parent who doesn’t manage the house is just another person to take care of.
Have you confront him about the things he did that you found irritating?
Yet if you actually look them up you can see who they represent. Drew Barrymore got her start with them
She needs validation and relationships are about compromise. Is it really going to harm you to like a few pics? Or allow her to post pics of you two and tag you and you like them? I would say I’m not comfortable reposting your stuff, commenting on everything etc but I do love you, aren’t hiding you. Wouldn’t mind you posting the pics you like of us and tagging me. It doesn’t bother me at all that people know we are together, I haven’t hidden it and if this means that much to you. Go ahead but I have my limits too. And I’m not commenting on everything, posting things I don’t want too (people will also know this isn’t your usual behaviour) or reposting what you have posted. That’s weird and a bit too far especially if it’s something you’ve tagged me in.
Basically I love you, I’d shout it to everyone I’m with you because I’m happy and proud of you, I see you and appreciate you. Compromising. Also acknowledging that social media isn’t everything and we all have different love languages and that you’d rather live life with her then spend too much time living in the digital world, taking “the right pic” etc.
Agreed people are taking it wayyy too personally in the comments. People indeed make mistakes, sometimes very big and stupid mistakes. And as human beings we are more than a collection of failings and we can't let them absolutely define anyone. Yeah OP cheated, that sucks and it was a shitty thing to do but it isn't nearly enough to make him the Devil incarnate.
He can still do right by himself, trying to be a good father for his children, learning for his mistakes, building something new on more solid ground.. There is still hope, there is always hope, for everyone, no matter what they did.
I'm 24 the age is nit an excuse your a adult that can make rational decisions nit some child don't excuse this
But not amazing enough to stop talking to other women and requesting nudes?
Did you both agree to be in an open relationship or something? This is confusing.