FaithDon live sex chats for YOU!


Hi Guys, I’m without a guy today

Date: November 5, 2022

14 thoughts on “FaithDon live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Can you update us on what happens?

    I really want to know what happens to that bitch sister, but more importantly to the dog and you.

    Personally I would’ve beaten her up on the spot took the dog and left to a friends until I found a place for us. God this story makes my blood boil

  2. You deserve better. He’s not a good boyfriend. In fact, he really isn’t your boyfriend. All he wants is a f buddy.

  3. Honestly to me the biggest red flag is him trying to gaslight you into thinking it didnt happen. That means if he does feel bad. His first reaction is to try and make it your fault somehow. Which is insane after you do something that you should be begging for forgiveness for doing. He will hit you again, especially if he did over something this minor. And with witnesses. If he won’t even admit accountability I dont think your relationship will remain a safe place for you.

  4. Because most people aren't in touch with consent. And I guess because people don't want to see their normalized behavior as something bad / something that makes them a bad person.

    Then people start rationalizing their behavior instead of reflecting it and changing toward a more consent aware behavior.

    There is nothing wrong with having an agreement that touches like this are ok in a relationship. There just needs to be a conversation beforehand. It's also ok to not feel violated or uncomfortable by this behavior without previous discussion. But the thing is, that you can't predict how another person is going to feel and therefore it's important to ask for consent.

  5. It was a trap. He was trying to see if you are trustworthy. Thats why he left his password on a piece of paper. If he is so big on privacy he would not have done that. He can probably see you logged in.

  6. Glad you agree! The sooner you get to shit on their lives and move on with your own the better. Cheaters deserve this kind of punishment

  7. Lol yea let’s not say anything that I am going to share a bed when I know my boyfriend and friend hate each real smart but just break up with your BF

  8. Express an interest in the most boring places or hobbies you can muster. Bonus points if its something she has expressed desinterest before

  9. I see both sides, but it seems as if you're feeling a bit superior about your tastes versus his. I currently live! outside of DC, have lived in LA, Seattle, and Savannah, and a few small towns. Large cities, if you're not used to them, can be noisy, crowded, and a bit overwhelming. It doesn't matter if you're 6' or 5', some people prefer a quieter environment. Also, as far as safely goes. the size isn't a big indicator. My 6'2 son and his girlfriend got robbed at gunpoint on the metro in DC, leaving L'Enfont Plaza. I go to the capital one arena all the time and hate the metro exit there. Going to the Smithsonian, the panhandlers are incredibly aggressive. I can't blame him for avoiding it.

    I've done the Chicago and NYC vacations and would much rather do beaches and national parks.

    Maybe propose compromises. Take turns. But it's condescending of you to totally dismiss his concerns.

  10. Woah, why u living together soo soon? So what happens if u do get pregnant, bc thats always a possibility if ur having sex. Is he gonna accuse u of baby trapping him? Which is ridiculous bc that rarely works. Soo many dads not in their kids lives or with the mom.

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