Not you projecting and overgeneralizing sayin “all men that want to take it slow aren’t ready for a relationship.” Sorry but it sounds like you only know L dudes. If a dude was to come here and generalize all women as emotionally unavailable and indecisive is that fair? The classic female double standard..
This isn't an update. dump them. you're an idiot.
Not you projecting and overgeneralizing sayin “all men that want to take it slow aren’t ready for a relationship.” Sorry but it sounds like you only know L dudes. If a dude was to come here and generalize all women as emotionally unavailable and indecisive is that fair? The classic female double standard..
Its not childish. I still want my mom when Im not well & Im 40.
Dude, run! It won't get any easier later. Your girl is being ridiculous.
Lol. Yep. She has all male friends at work too.
Exactly this. Probably off living her life, doing projects and shit. What is OP even mad about??