FOLLOW ONLYFANS (LINK BELOW) the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam




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Date: December 5, 2022

11 thoughts on “FOLLOW ONLYFANS (LINK BELOW) the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You're clearly not ready to be a father. You should tell her as much asap, don't just pretend that you're fine with this when you're not. The more you delay the harder it will be to stop this pregnancy.

    Just come out with it, you could say exactly what you said here in this post.

  2. Even spending time all by yourself will be good. Maybe even just studying alone at the library since you're in school. As well, if you don't have other friends at school besides him maybe join some clubs. Or try & study with others from your classes outside of class!

  3. Didn't mention your age but you guys sound pretty young. Bad relationship behavior is pretty common before we begin to moderate ourselves as we become more mature. Violence is one of the worst and needs to be nipped in the bud, because it can become the norm and turn a relationship into a hell hole. He needs to somehow have it firmly impressed on him that this is totally unacceptable and it should never happen again.

    Maybe he witnessed this kind of thing from his parents so he thinks it's an option. Hopefully not the case and maybe they can help convince him how uncool he was. At any rate you need to have some real serious communication where he clearly comes to an understanding that this is a boundary he can't cross period.

    This may not be possible now but you have to be prepared to leave a relationship where any violence happens because it leads down a path you absolutely don't want to go. In other words keep making a big deal about it until he gets the picture totally. What you did sounds pretty innocuous and if so, his blaming it on you is part of the BS he needs to get over. This is a line in the sand you have to draw now. Don't let him get away with it lightly.

  4. I don’t know many parents that would tolerate this crap. She is treating you like you are her slave. If she is in any of your bank or credit account take her off. Sit her down and tell her she either gets a job and pulls her weight around the house or she can find another living situation. The free ride is over. If she has a car, give her $20 every other week to put fuel in it so she can go to job interviews. Lock up your wallet and cards when you get home. Remind her each week how long she has to get a job and insist she do her chores around the house every day. She doesn’t like to cook – time to learn. I would eat a meal out everyday at a meat and three and have minimal groceries in the house. No junk food period. The only way this leech is going to change is if she is uncomfortable with her existence. You need a partner not a drpendant.

  5. “Obviously this might not be what is happening, she might really be stonewalling you and never allowing disagreements to actually unfold and be worked out.” This was not the first time something like this had happened. (She's been caught a couple times where she admitted she was flirting with someone early in our relationship and we're still mending those problems.) And every instance she never wants to talk about it, so it's a pretty consistent thing :/

    But where you say: “And want to add that what you see as “shutting down and ignoring you” could actually be your girlfriend trying to collect herself so that she can approach the discussion calmly and rationally.” I really like this perspective and am going to try my best in the future to maybe ask this, instead of assuming she's ignoring me. Thank you!

  6. I had an ex who had a really weird and terrible childhood. I’m talking living in the woods in tents and trailers in junkyard condition. He was one of the most meticulously clean people I’ve known, almost to a fault. If she lives at a healthy standard, her upbringing is clearly not an issue.

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