2 thoughts on “Gerda the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams”
I am taking in everything you said and I definitely agree! But question? What you say might be some of the issues or reasons he has not talked about what could they be what’s could he be hiding? I know can’t financially help him buy the house I know my name would not have been included even if he told me but I would be a lot happier if he did tell me! Our incomes are very different! He can afford to buy a house ? but I still do what I can and he still provides for me aswell..
I am taking in everything you said and I definitely agree! But question? What you say might be some of the issues or reasons he has not talked about what could they be what’s could he be hiding? I know can’t financially help him buy the house I know my name would not have been included even if he told me but I would be a lot happier if he did tell me! Our incomes are very different! He can afford to buy a house ? but I still do what I can and he still provides for me aswell..
Plant the seeds