Harawills online sex cams for YOU!


Harawills Public Chat Channel

Date: March 22, 2023

5 thoughts on “Harawills online sex cams for YOU!

  1. It's usually for one particular reason that people hide their partners from others: To get with the same others.

    And do you really believe she just passes out, middle of the day, and sleeps for an entire 2 days before she can get back to what you texted her?

    Sorry to say, but this all sounds like she IS playing games.

  2. It is so clear that OP is leaving out a lot of information. What have you and your husband done/said to them SPECIFICALLY. If you can't even own onto that then of course you'll never get to have a relationship with your grandchild

  3. As a veteran and a man, I can confirm military men are usually trash. This guy is a piece of work. Document everything, take it to the police, and get a restraining order.

  4. I wouldn't say you sabotaged anything.

    You told him before he went and he went anyway.

    Tell him you would rather be with someone that wants only you and the thought of you being with another man makes them sick to thier stomach.

    Tell Jim he made his choice and now you are making yours, you want a divorce, he wants to sleep around he can now do it as a single man.

    You deserve better

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