That was my first instinct too. Pay back is a bitch. However, (and this is where I struggle) if she was charged and put in jail I would be taking my children’s Mom away from them and I couldn’t do that without it hurting my soul. She may be a miserable person who showed her true colors after 14 years, but how would it affect my children! They are the most important in my life now that we split. As much as I want to see or make her struggle there has to be a different way.
If he does not watch porn, but goes about storing images in his memory bank of attractive women he sees in every day life to be recalled later, will that be better ? ?
why not a surrogate? why the immediate jump to another partner?
That was my first instinct too. Pay back is a bitch. However, (and this is where I struggle) if she was charged and put in jail I would be taking my children’s Mom away from them and I couldn’t do that without it hurting my soul. She may be a miserable person who showed her true colors after 14 years, but how would it affect my children! They are the most important in my life now that we split. As much as I want to see or make her struggle there has to be a different way.
If he does not watch porn, but goes about storing images in his memory bank of attractive women he sees in every day life to be recalled later, will that be better ? ?