Hotpinkcheeto online sex chats for YOU!


6 thoughts on “Hotpinkcheeto online sex chats for YOU!

  1. It sounds like you're trying to have a conversation when they're literally busy with other things. If it's small/ho-hum talk and I'm playing a game or reading or watching tv or even cooking, I'm not gonna really engage much. That's just me needing to enjoy what I'm doing and not wanting a conversation too.

    If someone wants to have quality time, I can def sit down and give them my attention when asked and it's feasible. It sounds like you're not getting the attention and quality couple-time you're looking for and that conversation needs to happen when you're both able to address it directly rather than have your SO brush you off or be unfocused.

    If timing and delivery isn't an issue then it's possible you need to assess what the relationship is doing for you both and if you want to stay with someone who is disengaged. It's not good (or fair to you) feeling neglected and like things are one-sided.

  2. time to go no contact for a while

    as you get older it's no big deal not to speak to someone for months or even years

    you don't need this drama

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