Indianajonness on-line webcams for YOU!


FUCK IN DOGGY [Multi Goal]

Date: October 4, 2022

11 thoughts on “Indianajonness on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. u/Throwaway3xoxo, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. That kind of comment is shaped in the belief that there's only one person out there for anyone, which is of course bollocks. Most people will be equally as happy with a myriad of people, she was smart enough to know that. Which of course doesn't even address the fact that a person who ignores your wishes and plans, probably isn't your best life partner anyway

  3. Well, it can become a bigger issue, but that depends on how you deal with it. With that I mean, can you cope with it that it might never be the same again. And how will your actions be if it isn't? It's a good thing that you can talk about it with her. You say she has a mental blockage, will the root cause of that change in the future?

  4. It's not genuine, you're being duped. He's asked you out repeatedly and when that didn't work he thought friends with benefits would fly? He's literally doing what ever he has to do to get what he wants from you. Super disrespectful.

  5. You may “communicate” a lot but is it more you just telling him you’re not happy or an actual discussion on the issues? If you have fully spoken about this and he’s not willing to compromise then you have your answer about where you relationship and you stand with him and that he won’t prioritise you or really seems bothered about how you feel.

    What’s the future plans for this relationship?

  6. Yup. However there's also a second piece of the puzzle here and that's the wife, after her initial frustration, hearing that he felt ill and also was not expecting a guest. “I understand you felt bad and weren't prepared we had company. But I am still upset at how cold you sounded. Next time I'll send you a text if someone is over.” Can go a long way.

    When BOTH parties are able to understand the situation and try to do better, that means it's not always on one to pick up the slack if the other is emotional, tired, sick, etc

  7. Girl…./ nope. Nope right on out of there. Your husband is scum. You just lost a baby. You had to have a D&C to remove retained tissue, and you’re emotionally spent from losing an already loved and wanted baby.

    And all your husband cares about is his dick.

    Not you Not your well-being Not the fact you lost a baby Not the fact you are physically incapacitated

    Just himself. Just his sexual needs.

    And he’s throwing a tantrum and giving you the silent treatment because you are unable to meet his demands.

    He is a Narcissist.

    I hate to say this, but bringing a baby into the equation with a person like this will be absolutely disastrous. He will be jealous of the baby stealing your attention. He will feel neglected and cheat. Then he will blame you for his actions, abuse you and berate you for being a broken bike he can no longer ride. It’s that simple.

    And this is how poorly this treatment has affected you, instead of being angry and berating him into tomorrow, you are concerned that you are in the wrong for not agreeing to fulfil his demands.

    You’re already living in trauma, your fight/flight mode is engaged and you are in survival mode.

    Get out now. He has given you a super clear picture of your value in his life.

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