Jade | next stream , → TBA the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Jade | next stream , → TBA

Jade | next stream , → TBA online sex chat

Date: October 19, 2022

28 thoughts on “Jade | next stream , → TBA the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I mean, it sounds like she’s more interested in the green card than whether or not you’re comfortable with being married this soon. I mean marriage is meant to be forever so its not something to commit to lightly

  2. He is claiming zero responsibility for his actions of being on dating apps, then calls you names? Why do you even want to be with this man? He may have mental health issues, but if he is abusing his prescription drugs and not taking responsibility for his self care, then he cannot be a good partner in the marriage. Not sure that the marriage can be saved until he does. You may want to visit a lawyer to protect your financial interests and a parenting plan that is in the best interests of the child(ren).

  3. If the genders were reversed it would still be cheating. He violated her trust multiple times before any sexual activity occurred.

    Good luck to OP since all these idiots here are convincing her that her lying cheating trickle truth boyfriend might actually be a victim.

  4. even with your update – don't date people who don't think you should have bodily autonomy. one of the top causes for death for pregnant women is homicide.

  5. I just read half of this and I can already tell you this. You gotta GTFO. His controlling all aspects of your life and you clearly don’t like it. He doesn’t seem the type of guy who you can change his mind. The fact that he expect you to put your life on hold to take care of your baby for 3 years so he can go to college? No way. I only read half-way and there already plenty of red flags. Be safe.

  6. Did you really feel the need to ask this? Like, you weren't sure if this was ok and needed a second opinion?

  7. Yikes indeed. Why in the world would you offer your marital bed to somebody else, noteably one of the parents, unless they had some very serious medical issue that your bed would help relieve?

  8. You may not have cheated but it’s an optics issue here. Regardless of if you cheated if you told anyone this story they would probably think it ends with you cheating. You didn’t invite your boyfriend and even got all pretty for it. Magically you had to share a room with a guy. How strange?

    You may not have cheated but you disrespected trust. He may look like an asshole to you because you didn’t actually cheat but the fact you sit here and say your hurt tells me you are being a tad bit out of touch.

    All you would have to do is switch roles and ask yourself what you would think.

  9. **** “

    she only uses it when she travels.

    Most bullshit ass excuse I've ever heard.

    Tinder is for meeting people you wanna be involved with “ROMANTICALLY” she already has a you friend and that's “you”

    we're dating we didn't merge our identities into one persona, you don't need to know everything, if you don't trust me break up idk what to tell you”.

    You don't need to know everything, true but she don't need tinder either

    She gave you a reason not to trust her. Just break up with zer

    Drop zish bitzch dead in Ze wotah

  10. As someone who has worked in HR and also seen a stress related breakdown on the job: STFU, you don't seem to know anything about the topic.

    Unless you are a professional who is examining the husband, you can't tell anyone something is fraudulent.

  11. She wanted you to come over and fuck.

    Colleague relationships are too much of a pain tbh. The fall out when it goes wrong is too much hassle both for the participants and all your other colleagues who have to deal with the tedious fallout of tears and sulks.

  12. “I just know what he wants or expects from me”

    Do you do it because you want to or do you do it not to disappoint him? Also that sounds like he has you well trained no?

  13. I hope you realize this will all get 800x worse once he feels he has you “locked in” legally with marriage.

  14. Mutual consent is the minimum standard in all things.

    Apologies are in order, and not the “sorry you felt that way” kind. Actual apologies.

    Learn Nonviolent Communication, and use it so you are both heard and understood.

    Partnership is just that. Mutual consent can’t happen without it.

    If your boyfriend put the “I” before the “we,” and that came at your expense, how would you feel.

    This isn’t about laundry. You do realize that, right?

  15. Her comment about putting her in a box would give me pause. Asking about swinging isn't necessarily a bad thing, that's communication. But being bothered with being monogamous, that's a concern.

  16. I never directly said the words “I don't want to talk about Hitler” because that should be kind of a no brainer.

    I indicated that I was uncomfortable with her being so obsessed with the topic and she still brought it up today and was talking to her friend on the phone for over an hour about it.

  17. It’s bothering you because you take it as him acting like a single person, if I had to hazard a guess.

    It’s for singles. Ergo, his participation depends on him acting single. Whether that leads to intimacies with other participants or not is a secondary concern, but the real problem is that he’s venturing out in the world as though you and your relationship do not exist.

    Say so.

  18. I’m so sorry OP but you need to hear this as so many people have already told you: what your bf did wasn’t SA, your bf *raped you.* I’m so sorry but that is the truth. You cannot stay with him. This is the point of no return for your relationship. This behavior is going to continue because as long as he thinks he’s gotten away with it he will continue to do it.

  19. What do you want us to say here is what I really have a question about because you are the one that chose to marry your wife it’s not like your wife suddenly became insecure once you got married if anything that would have provided more security to her so why are you complaining about a thing that you already knew about the person that you ended up marrying

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