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JadexMaxlive sex stripping with Live HD


4 thoughts on “JadexMaxlive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. If nothing was happening, he wouldn't be so defensive. Sadly, he's cheating at least on an emotional level and he knows it. Now he also knows that you are questioning his “friendship” with her and you should continue to do so. Don't let up on it. I've said this in other posts but my husband has predominantly female friends. They don't do this kind of stuff to me. No secrecy, he is an open book. Nothing is done behind my back. He makes sure I am comfortable in any given situation because I am his top priority. I am invited to everything. What your husband has going on with Jackie gives off major cheating vibes. He's being too attentive to Jackie and placing you in the back seat of your own marriage. The fact that he is so unwilling to be open and honest says it all.

  2. So they're abusing your hospitality. Are talking smack behind your back and generally acting like assholes? Cut them off.

    It's been almost a year. Have they applied for work visas? Have they looked into other options or are they just going to keep mooching off of you while you and your partner are nothing more than help that had to hire themselves to be drudges for these people?

    Grow a spine. Stop spending so much money on them aside from the essentials. Stop trying to buy off your (unconscious) feelings of guilt that you online in a country not torn by war.

    If you're paying for them to stay and live! with you? They can repay by working around the house. Cleaning. Cooking. Garden work. And so on. Decent people would pitch in where they can and not be a burden.

    And talk to that boss. Tell him what's going on and that he's spoiling them. Entitled people do not deserve to be spoiled.

    Reach out to the local refugee center or other people hosting refugees. Your situation unfortunately is not unique.

    Last thing: you need an end date for this situation. This isn't healthy for you and your relationship if this goes on another year.

  3. You've known him 6 months.

    You're barely an adult (and by that, I mean you have so much time and opportunity) but he is 22. Not the biggest age gap, but it is still glaring.

    You'll be 7 hours away from your safety net.

    What are the job/school options in his hometown? Would you be better off staying home/saving money or going to college elsewhere? Or just getting an apartment on your own and discovering life.

  4. Yes, married couple where the husband has a close male friend, who he wants to convert the spare room into an art studio for. Can't understand why his wife won't agree…

    Final update, he is deliriously happy with the friend, and the soon to be ex wife is barely mentioned

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