jamie, 27 y.o.
Location: Ontario, Canada
Room subject: i hit 50k followers ahhhhhh tysm <3
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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms jamie
Date: October 12, 2022
jamie, 27 y.o.
Location: Ontario, Canada
Room subject: i hit 50k followers ahhhhhh tysm <3
To Start live video press there
Be honest. You just want a boys night to catch up.
and she passed it with flying colors
Based on the state, the ex may not have a choice
Yeah, fuck this. I'm out.
And you should be out of this reletionship immediately.
Good day.
I mean you're surprised that the man you started dating while he was already married is a dirtbag?
Most women do not want to deal with male
pain if it interferes with the satisfaction of female desire. When feminist
movement led to men’s liberation, including male exploration of “feelings,”
some women mocked male emotional expression with the same disgust and
contempt as sexist men. Despite all the expressed feminist longing for men
of feeling, when men worked to get in touch with feelings, no one really
wanted to reward them. In feminist circles men who wanted to change were
often labeled narcissistic or needy. Individual men who expressed feelings
were often seen as attention seekers, patriarchal manipulators trying to steal
the stage with their drama.
When I was in my twenties, I would go to couples therapy, and my
partner of more than ten years would explain how I asked him to talk about
his feelings and when he did, I would freak out. He was right. It was naked
for me to face that I did not want to hear about his feelings when they were
painful or negative, that I did not want my image of the strong man truly
challenged by learning of his weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Here I was, an
enlightened feminist woman who did not want to hear my man speak his
pain because it revealed his emotional vulnerability. It stands to reason,
then, that the masses of women committed to the sexist principle that men
who express their feelings are weak really do not want to hear men speak,
especially if what they say is that they hurt, that they feel unloved. Many
women cannot hear male pain about love because it sounds like an
indictment of female failure. Since sexist norms have taught us that loving
is our task whether in our role as mothers or lovers or friends, if men say
they are not loved, then we are at fault; we are to blame.
Bell Hooks in The Will to Change Men, Masculinity and Love. I'm not posting that to justify her behavior, but for you to understand that what your feelings are valid and her reaction it's not your fault, a lot of people will not comprehend or be equipped to help, because they spent their whole life believing in the myth of the stoic man, and some that doesn
I refuse to believe this is real. I need to stop reading this sub, man.
Real weight loss can only be achieved with long-term sustainable lifestyle changes. Have you ever gotten to the cause of WHY he eats so excessively? For example comfort eating, depression (Etc). It will be very hard for him to develop a healthier relationship with himself if he is filled with self-loathing and kicks himself anytime he experiences a hurdle. It sounds like he always felt a lot of insecurities over his body image even when he was a healthier weight.
So the home wrecker is childish and petty, color me shocked… your dad was wrong for forcing you to go to that event, it wasn’t right for you to wear white but you were a teen, and both your dad and his AP broke your home, it wasn’t nice of you to do/say what you did but it wasn’t unprovoked, and you have apologized, “Sarah” had no reason to do that, she is a full grown adult, she should understand that you were an scared, angry girl, that was hurt by her actions, it was over 10 years ago, and it your first marriage, so it’s a dumb and unjustified jab,
Why are you allowing him to only do 5% of the housework, whole you're also working more. That's a hill you should die on.
Have you spoken to her about it?