Jana Banana, y.o.
Location: eu
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Jana Banana
Date: October 3, 2022
Jana Banana, y.o.
Location: eu
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
His pull out game seems strong.
I second this. I read critical theory and it really makes fantasy sound questionable. There’s just something about people wanting to hide from reality on a regular basis that doesn’t sit quite right with me
Everything seems to come back to your ex-wife not doing enough. What are you doing about this behavior? You're right that your partner isn't his parent, but YOU are. So step in and act like it. Co-parent with your ex-wife. Make plans for how to deal with this and stick to it. Reinforce to your son that his behavior towards his mom is unacceptable. Model appropriate behavior for the sorts of situations (such as not kicking your partner out over hearing something you don't like and ghosting for the night). BE A GODDAMN PARENT.
It's both you and your ex-wife's fault. You're both his parents and you're both responsible for raising your son, even when you're divorced. There is no “my ex failed but I didn't” here. If your son is acting out, it's on both of you, full stop.
Also, your partner is right. Your son has learned that if he screams and hits people enough, he'll get his way. He has no reason at the moment to change that behavior because there have been no consequences for it. I don't know why this is so hard for you to grasp. Take your head out of the sand and listen to the responses. I would hate for you to be surprised when your son gets hit with an assault charge as an adult.
There no more internal debate to have. you know the right thing to do. Everyone has told you. You're just dragging this on because you're selfish and pompous and its convenient for you.
It's suspicious. Are you the only person he messages? It doesn't add up.
Since he won't tell you the truth, you can either try and find it for yourself or let him know his behaviour is too suspicious for you to feel safe and comfortable in the relationship.
I mean I've definitely said “if we ever online together….” and he has responded positively. We have very similar wants as far as types of places we want to live!, wanting animals and other small things. But, those questions have definitely not been brought up in a serious conversation that is meant for a future that includes the 2 of us. Is that normal around now? I've had one long term relationship and those questions were just slowly and randomly answered. I just feel like it's so early to be answering those questions, but everyone else disagrees with me lol
She is not required to set herself on fire to keep him warm.
You deserve to be happy in your relationships, and you aren't. I doubt that she will be as blindsided as you think. If you can't see you in this relationship 5 or 10 years from now, leave and save yourself a lot of wasted time.
I drove home after my wisdom teeth removal. After one day I was fine. Wtf is wrong with her?