JessiePowell live! sex chats for YOU!


JessiePowell Public Chat Channel

Date: October 28, 2022

10 thoughts on “JessiePowell live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. So it seems like the big hangup is your performance anxiety. You should know that's super common, and not a sign that you're any less of a man. When you get into unfamiliar territory a natural response is for your peen to play runaway.

    Men don't want to talk about it because they think it makes them “less than” but it doesn't. It just makes you human.

    So now you know it's not for you, but I don't see anywhere in your post where you're disgusted by what your SO did, just that you're embarrassed and ashamed. Which is something you can get over.

    If your gf had pressured you into the situation, or realized you were uncomfortable and didn't care I'd say bail. But it seems like it was just a miscommunication and you're embarrassed that when the time came you were uncomfortable and didn't know how to express that. Which you shouldn't be embarrassed about at all.

    Talk to your girlfriend. Try and sort things out. Be open and honest and vulnerable. This is something you can work out.

  2. Sister, throw the whole man away and get a new one. A man who really loved and respected you would never put an ultimatum on you like this. Lose weight and then you can be his girlfriend? I don't think so. A stranger on the internet has more respect for you than that. Please do the same for yourself.

  3. Oh, gosh. No. I met separate with zero intention of reconciliation. He needs to be a thing of the past, pronto.

  4. They did offer advice to OP though. How couples counseling doesn't mean anything if she's only looking for a professional to give her the final “gotcha” to push him over the edge. How she needs to be honest with herself and him. How not being intimate is probably making the situation worse without communication.

    Maybe their comment was slightly hyperbolic, but there have been some posts that come damn close to that exact situation around here.

    She also keeps just saying it's “a gut” and avoiding any other descriptions or numbers. For some people, 15 lbs gives them a gut because it all goes to the middle while for others it might be 30 lbs or more. Frankly, neither of these amounts are anything crazy over 2 years in his mid-30s. People keep jumping to the “you're just worried about his health so this is fine” when we literally have nothing telling us his health is in any way negatively impacted by this.

    The entire post also focuses on her attraction to him more than any health problems he's having. She mentions he's self-conscious about it directly after saying that she shuts down any intimacy when his “gut” is out, as if those 2 things might not be heavily connected.

    There have been TWO comments that say she needs to deal with her own problems in therapy instead of trying to fix him, which is frankly the correct way to deal with this. She's still attracted to him with clothes on, so clearly it's not a huge deal. She needs to find a way to get around her feelings once the clothes come off, cause it's negatively impacting her spouse.

  5. This entire situation sounds really shallow on all ends.

    1,) do not start ‘war’ with her friends. That’s a quick way to lose her.

    2.) her friend sounds like a jerk.

    3.) you are doing the same thing as her, you also sound like a jerk.

    4.) the ‘monkey thing’ is giving very weird implications about your character.

    5.) you all need to grow up.

  6. I’m literally willing to leave like you just said but I’m saying we can stay together if you respect our relationship and cut off people trying to end it.

  7. OP this is true, and you must protect your children…or CPS will take them from your care. I'm a DV survivor,I didn't leave my abusive husband. He put me in the hospital one night and CPS took my kids for a week because I didn't protect them from my ex husband by leaving before it got that bad. That was years ago, but that was the worst week of my life. I was healing with stitches in my face, PTSD was ravaging me, i was alone without my babies, couldn't work, couldn't eat or sleep. All I could do is jump through every hoop CPS put in front of me to get my life back. To this day I'm still told CPS workers use my case as an example for other victims, to show them they can get out, they can get their kids back and they can do more than survive…we can THRIVE! Kick her out, file charges and file ex parte order for your kids…time to lawyer up. Don't choose your abuser, they will never change… it only gets worse. Kids come first,always!!!!

  8. I am wondering… check your mobile for spy softwares. If someone else than you sees what you do on your mobike and is able to even send this to you then this creep must have some crap thing installed on your mobile.

  9. You texted and essentially said “can’t talk now. Call you later.” He knew where you were & had no reason to worry. Unless there was a real emergency (and he could’ve texted that it was urgent – like the dog got hit by a car,) there was zero reason for him to insist on interrupting movie night.

    In what other ways is he unreasonable & controlling? Think carefully.

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