John https://peach.com/joni_joni18, y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Live! Live Sex Chat rooms John https://peach.com/joni_joni18
Date: October 7, 2022
John https://peach.com/joni_joni18, y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Oh certainly, depending on temperament. Even moreso if drugs &/or alcohol is involved.
Things might be said with the intention of hurt even though they don't have any significance to the person saying them. Or they may show true feelings.
I myself recently had an issue with being aggressive and mean while on a cocktail of things including liquor, acid, ketamine, and molly. I have two huge regrets in life and that is one of them.
Yeah we’ve tried that! The doctors have tested her on everything and they honestly cannot find anything wrong. As someone who suffers from a really bad anxiety and depression I know the mind can mimic real symptoms and make you feel like you’re dying I know a lot has to do with her brain surgery, we have tried to help for a long time and still do. But she has no positivity in her life anymore and doesnt want to do anything. It’s not normal for someone her age and I wish I knew how to help properly
No. Don't ask him. Do it
I have. Just wanted to see if others maybe felt the same way after being super close with someone for a long time. This thing is costly but I will do anything to solve this problem because I love this guy so much. Thank you for the idea
She's with him as you type all of these. Ghost her and as time goes by you'll improve dramatically. Remember, she only regrets getting caught.