Juliasparklej on-line sex chats for YOU!


8 thoughts on “Juliasparklej on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Oh my sweet summer child……. You’re being groomed and you aren’t even aware of it. I sincerely hope that when you come to your senses and find a guy your own age that is free to love you, he cheats on you.

  2. Women don't automatically get the child homie. Ur letting ur doubts make u forget ur the other half of the relationship. Im not saying what u did was right but its not my place to judge. All I can say is shit happens and if u care about ur family fight for it.

  3. When I was 30, I would not have been remotely interested in a 22yo man. Even 25 would have been pushing it. I don't think I was in the minority of 30yo women with that.

  4. Even the lowest guy I dated didn't speak to me that way, so I'm a bit lost why after three years you're still around for this.

  5. But he also doesn’t have to revolve the rest of his life around her feelings? That has nothing to do with coparenting

  6. You are right, but I actually love when she’s out having fun with her friends even when I’m not there with her. I even love when she chooses to call her friends at night over calling with me because I know shes happy doing that and it makes me happy. I’m fine with her always trying to turn our dates into to group hangouts because even though I’m a bit bothered, I love that she’s having a lot of fun. I love her having emotional bonds with other people and I’ll postpone dates if I feel like we’ve been hanging together too much and need time with friends. With cuddling I’m just bothered because it just makes me uncomfortable knowing how she is like all over her friends when they’re together even when I know I shouldn’t be and that’s insecurity.

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