Kamilakin online webcams for YOU!


kamilakin Public Chat Channel

Date: October 30, 2022

17 thoughts on “Kamilakin online webcams for YOU!

  1. Because children under 16 or 18 are considered too young to be able to legally consent to sexual activities, yeah, it's illegal.

  2. Yes it is my choice. But at some point when someone who never has a feeling towards anything because not many things concern them or bother them, then as a partner I feel like you should understand and try to compromise even if it does sound a bit unreasonable. If it makes me happy to get a text while you’re out then I feel that’s all that should matter just as long as it isn’t me demanding to know where you are or what you are doing 24/7 when we are apart. I feel as if I’ve compromised on a lot of things in regards to her feelings/concerns no matter big or small, so I just expect the same courtesy if I have no ill intentions behind it. As for cheating I trust her 100%, does she make me feel uncared for? Not at the moment but in the past yes she has. I’m trying to understand myself more on why it bothers me but I know for a fact I am not controlling or insecure because I know what I bring to the table. I did recently discover that my love language is words of affirmation so it might be why I’m so hurt over this being the third time it’s happened

  3. Hello /u/Left-Middle-6828,

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  4. Yes he did I think he posted in dogs and he said he had 2 dogs that are very hyper his hours changed so he has no time to exercise them in the morning.

  5. I think you are being a little too hard on yourself. BUT I would probably go hang out and drink till 10 and be home waiting for him when he gets home.

  6. So he said what he can provide and it doesn't include sexy time. You have highlighted that you need sexy time to have a fulfilled relationship. So that's an incompatible requirement.

    So options are breakup, have someone change their requirement, or look at alternative relationships like an open relationship so you can get some sexy time on the side.

    Personally, I'd go for the breakup given you're too young to be in a dead bedroom. Especially if you really enjoy sexy time and lots of physical contact.

  7. Why do you care if you are perceived as “the bad guy” when this person is literally ignoring what is best for you?

  8. Don’t get married so young to people you don’t know that well!! Big word of advice……. Communicate!

  9. Nope. Don’t be nervous. I see a few others have suggested you talk about it with your gf as well. Your gf should not negatively react as long as you approach it tactfully. Don’t be abrasive, don’t demand anything. Just let her know your feelings. Take it from there. The worst thing to do is not say anything.

    Can’t repeat it enough – communication is one of the most important things in a relationship, along with trust and love. Make sure when you bring it up to her, you’re not in a negative space (you’re in a good mood, she is in a good mood, private, you have 15-30 minutes to talk).

  10. It’s not about you. He’s a dick alllll on his own – whether or not you’re around.

    Sorry you feel used (by this very obnoxious man.) You didn’t do anything wrong. Keep being your amazing, sexy, fun, open self and you will find a much better match.

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