Karina the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


Karina, 19 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Karina

Karina on-line sex chat

Date: December 15, 2022

9 thoughts on “Karina the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. It bothers you because she showed you that she plays games with other people's lives. The game in question might be more innocent than some others, but it's still playing games.

  2. In a comment lower she mentioned he did things like cleaning when parents weren’t around because he didn’t like them watching him while he did it.

    You jumped massively on a comment without full context there it seems.

  3. As the kid of divorced parents who are friends. It’s always better for the kids to have parents get along. I’m 42, and my dad and his partner came for Christmas fwiw. There is nothing wrong with being friendly and it sounds like your wife has insecurities. If you feel like this is a discussion you can’t have maybe engage with a counselor to help navigate this.

  4. Maybe he feels like sex is not as intimate when he’s forced to wear a condom. I mean you guys have been together 5 years and the most intimate part of your relationship is separated by a thin piece of plastic.

    Condoms do suck. If your on birth control IUD and you trust him not to sleep around, the chance of pregnancy is astronomically low. Less than 0.01 percent in a year of activity.

    Options are:

    No sex, Birth control, or Continue using condoms.

  5. You should have talked to your boyfriend about this beforehand. From his point of view you were secretly talking to your ex about 'the good times', which sounds like cheating even if that wasn't your intent.

  6. Honestly, that sounds like a very common marriage, I'd just start telling him I'd like to go on dates again and initiate being flirty. No need to admit something that didn't happen, she was drunk, got attention, got flirty and left before things escalated.

  7. You’re still the asshole. Being pregnant is difficult and isolating enough, she doesn’t need to be worried about going into labor while you’re gone. Will you also leave her to parent and care for the baby after it’s born?

  8. Wow, she needs serious therapy. Sadly this is a common experience. Unfortunately there isn't much you can do. She's either gonna realize how embarrassing/pathetic this behavior is and stop it or she's gonna get arrested (or worse) sometime. Not sure if you've heard of this story but there was one lady who sent some crazy number of text messages and calls to her ex. It was like 20,000 or something. She got arrested 'cause that's harassment and beyond. I think you should try to be there for her as much as you can but if you gotta dip out, nobody's gonna blame you. You do have to protect your own mental health first.

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