Kendal-jonson online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 17, 2022

13 thoughts on “Kendal-jonson online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Let’s say, hypothetically, it’s not a celebrity but a coworker that they’ve just met and they proceed to leave you to chase these feelings. Would it be justified to feel some sort of anger/betrayal?

  2. Sit him down today and bring up the 10pm thing. Tell him that he said he would get off at 10pm, but didn't.

    Let him know (again) that you feel neglected and wish he would spend more time with you and fuck you.

    Then give him a week to change. Mark the date 7 days from now. If he doesn't fuck you at least once or spend a full night with you, then consider ending it based on your circumstances. Of course, this doesn't sound ideal.

    There is a more hopeful option. If you can't beat them, join them. Start gaming with him. Then during rounds, ask him if you two can take a break, put the chat of friends on hold and then get him nude.

  3. You can still connect with people in ways that are not romantic or sexually charged. Humans crave connection, even if it’s something as simple as liking the same band or ketchup vs ranch with your fries.

    My point is that your post seems needlessly sexually charged. Sometimes people just want to get a little dressed up and go out with their friends to have a good time. And there is nothing wrong with that.

    Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.

  4. I'm just trying to understand why. We're meeting for coffee to clear the air. Her husband is an asshole and would get mad at her for this. My wife is nicer but is going through some shit rn and won't like it because she's hormonal.

  5. It’s very very funny that astrology and stupid quizzes always label me a power top when I am very much not.

    FYI, your username says otherwise. You do realize that?

  6. I get wife having the photos. I take photos all the time; they are for me. Maybe it was shock or denial (very possible), but it’s a bit odd to want to sweep it away. Is your wife okay? Denial is normal if she’s been victimized (my friend couldn’t do this- let’s pretend it didn’t happen), but she could be lying and be cheating. That’s a naked one. I’d calmly ask more questions.

  7. He doesn’t have the emotional depth to think like that. He told my many times I was the love of his life. Yea people fall out of being in love but he chose that by pushing me away, fighting with me, which of course didn’t bring out my best side

  8. This sounds really hot, I’m sorry you’re going through it right now. This might be difficult to hear, but it sounds like you two don’t have compatible wants. She doesn’t want any type of relationship label on things with you, and part of that seems to have to do with the fact that she doesn’t think she’s it for you. She says she’s not your person. I know you want her to be it for you. I know you think she’s your person. But she’s saying she’s not. It takes two to tango, and this thing between you two doesn’t have both necessary parts.

    If you’re okay dropping the whole relationship idea and just existing with her, go for it. If not, going no contact is what worked for me. She kept me in this winding, looping, seemingly never-ending thing that tore me apart. She was leading me on while saying she wasn’t leading me on and the only way I could keep my sanity was to remove myself from the picture. This might not be for you, though.

    Either way, I’m sending hugs and good vibes your way. It will get better.

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