Kesha, ? the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Kesha, ?, 22 y.o.


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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Kesha, ?

Kesha, ? online sex chat

Date: November 2, 2022

26 thoughts on “Kesha, ? the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. She is going on dates with this guy. Don’t let her try to shame you. I would tell her she can be friends with this guy but our relationship is over.

  2. only if you’ve made it clear you’re uncomfortable w/ it or if she hugs him all the time or her hugs linger. there’s nothing wrong w/ someone hugging their best friends partner, it’s all about context & in this context, doesn’t sound like a good thing.

  3. Nevermind, based on your last comment you aren't NEARLY mature enough. Let her find a guy that will be respectful.

    You could have avoided this whole situation. Oh yeah, what are those things called??

    Fucking condoms

  4. We are very close, we spend pretty much all of our time together if we’re not with our friends. Our emotional connection is incredible, which is why we really want to make the sex work as well.

  5. Hello /u/IhavenoLife16,

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  6. OP, you will lose your daughter if you don’t stop this right now. She is going to need so much therapy.

    You need to grow a spine and tell him enough is enough, and separate for some time until he realises he’s a fucking prick of a father. If he doesn’t, don’t expect to be in your daughters life. You won’t be a the wedding when she gets married and you won’t see any grandkids if she decides to have them. Is that what you really want?

  7. Can you not take care of yourself when your sick? I’m sure she would’ve stayed if it were serious but you just have a fever. Let her be with her family and enjoy your 2 days by yourself

  8. It was meant more in a way that backs you up, than contradicts you. I can see the uncertainty though, because Reddit is so often adversarial.

  9. Congrats on continuing to work through this! I’ve been in a controlling relationship and I damn near ruined my life for someone who didn’t actually love me. I understand the difficulty of getting a therapist, I also don’t drive so I’ve currently been looking for one that will take my insurance for over a year and a half now. It can be an unnecessarily long process but I definitely think it’s worth it. You got this!

  10. I think you are cool already! And hey, I turn 32 in about 10 days, none of that age crap ? You are still young, and have left of spark left. I think you can do whatever you want to do.

  11. I agree with you, and I’m also imagining what my Siri would say if I summoned it and farted ?.

  12. Well, he doesn’t care. I know you probably desperately want this to work out and for him to change, but really? This? On your bday?

    You should not lower ypur expectations because he’s an ass who can’t even put the bar on the lowest. Everything you did for him is something he should be eager doing for you. Don’t waste your time, please. There are so many good people out there, don’t waste your energy on this.

  13. I honestly think I just wasn’t sure what the typical aftercare is like with wisdom teeth. She told me she’d need me the whole weekend and I just assumed the doctor told her that. I’ve never had mine out so I wasn’t really sure. Now with all the comments I’m seeing that it’s ridiculous

  14. I agree OP is a pain in the ass with his comments, but who cares if the percentage is the same? It's a much lower amount because she has a fancy new car after purposely reducing her take home pay. It isn't very fair and there's a good chance if it was the other way around she would be annoyed too.

  15. I feel your pain my dude but it's not really her fault. You should find someone who wants to fuck all day (those exist)

  16. When did this get personal? I haven't attacked you personally just asking questions. Good luck with an attitude like that ?

  17. I think this is going to be a weird and uncomfortable conversation you need to have with him, but I understand what you mean by giving him his space.

    I am an introvert and I love my personal space, BUT I also love being with my fiance. Something we've learned to get better at is “parallel play”. We're doing our own things like when I play video games and she's working on her own things or watches TikToks. Make this known to him?

    Be careful about being the pushy girlfriend at forcing him to do something he doesn't want to. He may resent you. I'm not saying give him an ultimatum, but do make it known that there is only so long that you are willing to wait. It's not forcing him to do something, but it's also allowing him to realize that there is a game plan he should be aware of. He owes you an explanation as to why he feels the way he does.

  18. Do you still have a screenshot of the “I hope you're not pregnant” text? Just send that and a text going “weeeelllll”

    Give the news as a text. You know they won't be happy so why bother doing anything but giving them the update in text form? If they have negative opinions, you don't have to listen.

  19. If he wakes up tell him you’re done and just leave. He can figure out where to go on his own, injured or not. Not to mention that this is NOT your fault. He decided to cheat or whatever and he decided to try and commit suicide because of his own actions.

    Now if you were the one who attempted then yes it would be his fault, but here the person who causesd the situation is on life support. He caused this to himself, both the ‘hurt’ he got as well as the hurt he is giving you.

    I hope he wakes up and sees what kind of hurt he did to you, to his kids, to everyone around him. You’re better off without him and he needs to know that

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