Khhloee on-line sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 24, 2022

7 thoughts on “Khhloee on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. it’s cruel to pressure this young girl who clearly does not want a child (at least presently) and is hoping for a miscarriage to have a baby with a man she hardly even likes?

    Abortions are hard, any choice here is very hot. But no commenter telling OP to get an abortion are trying to be cruel.

  2. I (39m) got 50/50 custody of my daughter (17f) when I was 23 and she was 15 months old. When she was 3 her mother moved across the country to start her live! over. They have not seen each other since, they have communicated through Facebook and a few phone calls over the years. She views my wife (30f) as her mom she's been in her life since she was about 7. We have had a few very hot years her wanting to know her mom thinking it was my fault and what not. Now that she's getting older she gets it now. She doesn't really have much interest in her biological mom. Moving on with your life and protecting your daughter from the madness is the best thing you can do. Thing come together when the time is right.

  3. I know it is it really sucks, but at some point there has to be a line between helping and supporting your SO and them just flat out putting 0 effort in. For example, one of my ex’s suffered from some pretty severe mental illnesses and despite my efforts in understanding and helping with them she just refused to do anything about it or try to control them, just wanted to accept this is how she is and put a lot of the stress and pain of them on me lashing out. After we broke up she eventually started taking steps to deal with them and get them under control, see therapists, medication, etc. The point is, in order to solve something or change you have to motivate yourself to do it, can’t rely on others sadly. GL with everything!!

  4. Girl NOOOO what??? If you’re already pregnant (first off PLEASE take a pregnancy test to be sure), that’s one thing.

    …. But actively trying to have a child with a man you’ve been dating for only a few months is NOT a good decision to make. It’s okay to want a baby, but if you really have to go on Reddit to ask about this decision rather than being 100% fully confident in yourself, that already shows that you are not ready for a child. You MUCH LESS should have a child if you have no job lined up at all and are not entirely independent. Consider the future of yourself and the child, it’s so very possible that you will not stay with this man forever and you will absolutely be tied to this person for the rest of your life potentially with no financial escape. Healthcare be damned, that’s not the biggest concern here.

    I’m saying this as a grown woman who has been through her fair share of shit before, actively trying for a baby with a man you’ve only known for a few months when you are not financially independent in any way is NOT a good decision for anyone involved, I’m saying this with 100% concern for you. Your brain will Not be fully developed for another 6+ years, I promise you will be a completely different person even just two years from now. You owe it to yourself and your potential child to fully grow as a person before giving up your life, when you have a baby your life is no longer your own.

  5. Even if OP agreed to it, a lot of young women do not realize that the trend of stay at home girlfriend leaves you almost unable to leave if you want to (unless you have a steong support system and even then it can be tricky as nothing's yours and you got no money saved to start over etc).

    OP, my advice is to get a job, even if it's a part time one. You are not here to fix your partner's “abandonment issues”. You're not his emotional support animal, you're your own person. Go to the wedding, if you can't pay for it, ask your mom or anyone. You'll regret it if you don't go.

    And your partner needs therapy but something tells me his “abandonment issues” are coverup for him being manipulative and controlling (it could be that he has actual issues that are causing this but idk) if he says you put everyone over him for wanting to go to your mother's wedding for 2 days. Who will he try to isolate you from next? This is weird.

    You're 24 and a grown woman. He doesn't have to give you permission for anything that does not concern bis property or body

  6. After reading all your comments just break up. You're incompatible and you're not ok with this but you seem to think just because you had a bad experience that this girl will do this to you. You're going to just push her away with your behavior and I wouldn't deal with that and it sounds like she's much more secure.

    It's fine that this isn't for you, but you just don't fit and you're going to ruin it anyway by searching her phone and even if she's innocent you're probably going to freak out on her and ruin it anyway. So walk away before you get to this point and in your next relationship make sure you tell the girl this is a very hot no for you

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