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Kimberly2live sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “Kimberly2live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I dont say things like this lightly, but you need to leave him IMMEDIATELY There is so much wrong here, massively wrong. 1. He forced himself on you when you were asleep – Rape 2. You were drunk, which put you too sleep, and were in no condition to give consent without impairment – Rape 3. Your 20, I dont know where you on-line (assuming states), as such its possible you are below the legal drinking age (I aint judging you) but if you are thats – provision of alcohol to a minor 4. He's removing condoms without your consent – a lot of countries/states, etc. Have laws against this sort of thing usually classe under – sexual assult 5. He's hiding/interfering with your birth control, beshides the moral implications and personal violations, and I wouldn't be surprised if there are laws against this (see 4) 6. He started dating you when you were 16, depending where you are. You may have been below age of consent. This could have been seen as grooming, pedophilia and rape (look, there's that word again).

    It sounds like your boyfriend is incredibly manipulative and inconsiderate of your wants and needs, and that's before you take into consideration things like the possible rape, grooming and gods knows what else. He's putting you in situations you are not ready for and more importantly it IS YOUR BODY YOUR RIGHTS YOUR RULES.

    Lets assume the worst and he gets you pregnant, then what? Will he force you to give up your education/work/career? Will you have to be a SAHM? Can your boyfriend provide a stable (financially, emotionally and everything else) home? Will he be out every night with his mates as hes still 'young'? And what will make him stop at one kid? When do you go from being a girlfriend to a baby making machine?

    Unless you can genuinely say you want to be a mum at 20 and your happy with all of the above and more, you need to get out now and press every charge under the sun that you can.

    Finally, i just want to say, My dad had my youngest sister in his 40s (saddly he passed just before she turned 18) but my point is to have a kid in your mid/late 30s/early 40s means your kid is going to be a grown adult by the time your 60. Not exactly old and still well below any government retirement ages. I dont get what the hell your boyfriend is on to claim you have to be in your 20s to avoid raising a kid when your old.

  2. You aren’t being too sensitive. He is belittling you in public. This is totally unacceptable! You should be able to trust him fully to support you absolutely in public.

    He should be celebrating how well you speak English. The only mention he should make of it to his friends is how proud of you he is that you have learnt English so well so quickly.

    I recall 25 years ago I heard myself speak to my girlfriend (now wife) in a terrible way on a video. I saw the look on her face. I had belittled and hurt her. My family life growing up was pretty toxic so speaking to each other like that was pretty normal. Anyway, I’ve tried never to speak to her like that again. I don’t want to be the person l was brought up to be. He may not be able to hear himself. I suggest recording it with your phone. I’m forgetful so I have a voice recorder button on my locked screen. Record his derisive tone. Later calmly play it back. Explain how it sounds to you and how it makes you feel. Tell him that this sh!t stops now or you’re leaving. You are a person, not his punching bag.

  3. You really have almost no choice here.

    You can try to accept it or you can break up. I would bet that an open relationship is not going to work for you based on what you have written here. And that’s ok. Most people aren’t cool with it.

    On the other hand, you have to respect your girlfriend for being up front about this. Many on her shoes would just cheat.

  4. Some people consider holidays like Valentine's Day to be purely commercial. A made-up holiday to drive spending. I don't disagree with that myself.

    If you have to hound someone to do something you want, it is a useless gesture at that point. They are just giving in to your demands. How is that going to make you feel special?

  5. Alternatively – maybe she just doesn't wanna deal with him crying. The son not the husband. Kids don't always take losing well. Honestly, letting them win occasionally is not bad. Builds confidence to feel like you earned a win against a superior opponent, and affection when you realize at 25 they totally let you win because they love you and value your self esteem.

  6. It’s not about what others are saying.

    It’s about you being an adult and getting help for YOUR issues.

    Your wife has done nothing wrong and you’re being self centred and punishing her for something she can’t control.

  7. If you can't forgive him, then don't stay. It doesn't sound like this relationship has been good for your mental or physical health at all.

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