If someone lies to me or can’t be honest with me, they’ve told me all I need to know.
He had an opportunity to explain that friendship or acquaintanceship in a way that made sense and he brushed you off.
If he can’t be honest, is there a future here worth stooping to violate someone’s private space and belongings.
Looking in his closet won’t make you suddenly trust him, so that’s not the answer. It’ll only tell you what you already know, and tell him he can’t either.
I'm the introvert in this. Be attuned to your partner. Subtle hints at them wanting to leave are your best out before a meltdown. Our social bar runs out real quick in social situations, so be aware of it. The minute a happy face falls into something blank and unseeing is the first sign, it's time to go. After that, it will become hostile and angry and possible self isolation for fear of emotionally hurting someone else in our irrational fear of being among the public.
This is who we are and I hope you don't try to change it.
You're talking about having kids and building a life with someone. You're set to think as a “we” despite all that being a way bigger personal risk to you than it would be to someone who won't be making while other humans from their own body.
Don't choose someone who thinks as a “me” while all that is happening. They won't see what you're offering as a benefit and they will let you down every time.
Call your local health authorities and let them know. What she is doing is considered a criminal act that is punishable by law where I am from.
If someone lies to me or can’t be honest with me, they’ve told me all I need to know.
He had an opportunity to explain that friendship or acquaintanceship in a way that made sense and he brushed you off.
If he can’t be honest, is there a future here worth stooping to violate someone’s private space and belongings.
Looking in his closet won’t make you suddenly trust him, so that’s not the answer. It’ll only tell you what you already know, and tell him he can’t either.
if this is a red flag, why don’t you just break up with him?/gen
I'm the introvert in this. Be attuned to your partner. Subtle hints at them wanting to leave are your best out before a meltdown. Our social bar runs out real quick in social situations, so be aware of it. The minute a happy face falls into something blank and unseeing is the first sign, it's time to go. After that, it will become hostile and angry and possible self isolation for fear of emotionally hurting someone else in our irrational fear of being among the public.
This is who we are and I hope you don't try to change it.
You're talking about having kids and building a life with someone. You're set to think as a “we” despite all that being a way bigger personal risk to you than it would be to someone who won't be making while other humans from their own body.
Don't choose someone who thinks as a “me” while all that is happening. They won't see what you're offering as a benefit and they will let you down every time.