lanababy , ♥️ the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


lanababy , ♥️, 22 y.o.

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lanababy , ♥️ online sex chat

Date: October 17, 2022

27 thoughts on “lanababy , ♥️ the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You need to both realize that if he can't ever learn to trust you again then you can't have a loving relationship. If you've done everything you can to remedy what you've done and it's still not enough then maybe it's time to let go.

  2. Ummm. I understand you’ve been with him for 3 years, but this is very obvious red-flag behavior regarding controlling and abusive relationships.

    Even if he’s never hit you, I would absolutely be terrified about the behavior he displayed towards you.

    You only get one life. You deserve to be with someone who will never treat you like that. If this were me, I wouldn’t care how much time I invested in the relationship. I would be dumping him and figuring out how to move out and get the hell away from him.

    The longer you stay with him, the worse his behavior will likely get. And it could escalate to worse situations. And he’ll always apologize and try to win you over again. It’s the cycle of abuse. And abuse can be verbal/mental/emotional/financial…not just physical.

    I understand if you’re not ready to receive information like this, but please consider googling abusive behaviors/abusive relationships to read about it for yourself.

    You deserve better.

  3. Dude you don't need to do it. I get her being disappointed in you saying no (as nobody likes to be told no) but it's your body. I've heard of pegging, but gods all that extra stuff with the fake cum is unheard of to me. Like I'm sure even gay guys can agree that explores new levels of kinkiness we mortals have never seen.

  4. Dude…. Your moms abusive and a religious bigot. I grew up hardcore Christian cult too but I was never denied celebrations. I’m sorry you had to go through that and hope you get some therapy so you can better work this out and the possible religious trauma

  5. I wouldn't even notice in public also nobody cares in public either only your families and friends will notice or care.

  6. You need to accept that your relationship is over. Her being drunk isn’t an excuse for her making out with a guy. She was willing to make a bad decision and throw away a relationship for making out and laying in a bed with a guy she has no feelings for.

  7. Just live there on by yourself. How many toilets are in your apartment/house? You don’t owe your roommate anything. Why would you respect your roommate when said roommate has absolutely no respect for you? Divide the place into your space and his space. Keep your space clean and do not share anything with him anymore. Do not cook for him. Only buy food for yourself. You don’t owe him any explanation whatsoever in any way, shape or form. Only tell him that your done after he starts asking questions why you do what you do. Tell him that he caused this and that your done. Make him feel uncomfortable like he makes you feel uncomfortable. After talking to him numerous times without result actions are the only thing which will make it clear for him.

  8. The only treats that should be in a relationship are the ones that end it. You gave him your trust not to be manipulative, which is what his “tests” were, he failed that test. For me I would have broken up with him. Manipulation isn't something you can come back from because what else will he do and call it a test?

  9. There's a simple rule when it comes to approaching people in life.

    Don't waste your time, on people who barely give you any time at all.

    In a relationship, anyone should prioritize their partner in their lives in a certain matter. You don't have to be the first prioritiy, obviously. But at the very least, dedicating quality time to your partner is very important. And to uphold your word with them as well.

    To blow you off as often as you say, is serious neglect.

    You can't address the other issues, if you don't have time spend together to talk about it.

    Convey this urgent issue to her, and let her know that if she isn't willing to prioritize some time with you, this relationship won't work. (because it really wont)

  10. Lmao why is it always the last people that should be handling anyone's care that are drawn to medicine and psychology?

  11. Yeah but, that’s your perspective. I think this commenter was spot on that you need to ask her to give you details of what she feels like she needs help with.

    The issue is that you guys aren’t experiencing the same reality. What you are living is different from what she’s living. None of us are there and can comment on what is really happening.

    Until you guys drill down into the details you aren’t going to find a solution. You each think that there is a different problem. Find a common problem and then you can find a solution.

    Also asking her for details forces her to examine more closely exactly what she’s feeling. It may that her depression is really hitting her. It may that you don’t realize everything that goes into her day. I suspect that it’s somewhere in beitween.

  12. If he wanted to, he would. If you already talked to him multiple times and he still hasn't changed then he never will. Love is not enough for a relationship to survive on, especially when you're the only one putting any effort in to save it.

  13. I do feel very damaged. But when I did recall every good thing he did, I start to doubt myself. It is very naked for me to end this, I has been 7 years since I know him and I don't know how we got here. He truly did great things for me and despite this, I feel emotionally attached to him. I don't really have friends…I am confused

  14. Her fallback and go to man will always be in your relationship. She went straight to her FWB for an ego boost after your breakup. She is not going to move on from him and forwards with you. You need to break up for good this time. Also when you’re on a break you are single and free to date others. She was single so didn’t do anything wrong. But she is wrong for keeping a relationship with him while in a relationship with you.

  15. How many times will you post this before you realize this woman is a child who will never leave mommy and daddy's nest?

    Go on-line your life. There are plenty of more compatible people out there who are actual responsible adults.

  16. Going through a normal stage of development in early adulthood =/= deficiency.

    Did that help? I tried to keep it real simple.

  17. Why’s is your sister dating your ex! I’d be questioning that. I mean she deserves what she gets.

  18. There was an episode of Oprah years ago where she was talking to white women who like to dye their hair blonde, with the highlights and all that jazz. All the women naturally have brown hair but dye it blonde. When asked why, the woman said because its more unique. Then the camera panned to behind all the women, and their hair looked almost identical.

    Granted, its Oprah and I'm sure that it was very purposefully done but I thought it was hysterical at the time how they wanted uniqueness and individuality but were all the same.

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