Lia-grey16 on-line webcams for YOU!


full very hot [Multi Goal]

Date: October 4, 2022

13 thoughts on “Lia-grey16 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. is it valid?? anybody’s opinion of you is valid. everyone has the right to dislike you. if you want them to like you more you should try having conversations with them. Ask them about themselves. get to know them as people.

  2. u/ThrowAWitthbtr, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. Yeah I was gonna say “plot twist he actually isn’t her husband’s son” lol, wouldn’t be surprising at all. Seems like taking it as a jab is jumping to conclusions about his motivations.

  4. OP – I feel like you are leaving out important background information about what happened.

    How many partners did he have before you got together? How many partners did you have before you got together? For example, how long after you proposed this, did he finally agree to it? Was it days, weeks? How many partners have you yourself had since you opened the relationship? Remember, he had concerns about you being with other people. Each time you went out with someone, it probably cause him pain that he had to kind of suck up and deal with. Instead of a lover, he took someone to commiserate with.

  5. It can work, but I think its important to think about the future that you want. He is 37, he wants to get married and have kids. Youre still very young though, do you want kids and marriage now or would you prefer to wait until you're older? Also, its good to keep in mind that he's much older than you, he might (probably) die before you, or he might get to the age where you have to take care of him. Like, when youre 35, hes gonna be in his 50s where a lot of age related health issues start. And worse, when youre 45, hes gonna be in his 60s… So yeah, its all fun now since youre both young but youre gonna feel that age difference when you're still young and he's an elderly man.

  6. Hello /u/EnoughNegotiation850,

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  7. Your feelings about his relationship are irrelevant. Get over yourself. You don't like him dating a younger woman and you want to poison this well any way you can. YTA.

  8. She's transitioning into a new job which is a bit stressing, but this has come recently, at a time when sex was already at a very low frequency.

    I mean, I have problems in my life, emotional and psychological, that I try to figure out through therapy, etc. My career is ok, but also has its bad moments. I probably feel more stress and anxiety than the average person, and still… I have a sex drive. She's socially much more capable, has tons of friends and has a job she truly loves. Maybe stress affects her differently, I really don't know. According to her, stress does lower her libido, but I find it naked to believe it would change her whole outlook on sexuality within the relationship.

  9. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    So this happened just hours ago: Me (F22) and my partner (M24) went on a peaceful walk on the beach with our dog. We brought the long leash for him so he could run a bit more freely. When it was time to put him back on his regular short leash I didn’t realize the clip of the leash didn’t click in all the way and before I could even react our dog walked away off leash. He didn’t run away from us he just thought we were going back to the car and walked off a bit but as soon as he heard us yelling he stopped and came back to me so I could put him on the leash. I realized I messed up and I should’ve paid better attention but my husband is being incredibly nasty with me saying that he doesn’t know if he can ever trust me again with our dog, that he’s wondering if he could ever trust me with our future child. He texted me that he doesn’t know if he can be in a relationship with me and that I should go ruin somebody else’s life. I know that I should’ve paid more attention and that something could have happened and I know I f-ed up but I don’t think he’s being reasonable. So I genuinely don’t know if I he’s in the wrong or not?

    TLDR: I let the dog off his leash on accident and now partner is saying terrible things, I don’t know if I deserve it or not

  10. he’s worried the government will unfairly divide assets? has he NEVER heard of a prenup before???? that’s literally exactly what it’s for.

  11. Something I don't see addressed in the comments below, and assuming you are in the US:

    You pay way more income taxes if you aren't married, and filing as such. You also don't have the legal rights towards each other that marriage gives you. That stuff is important.

    Your boyfriend is deliberately misleading you when he's saying he wants to be committed to you, but doesn't want to be legally married. Him not wanting to do the latter is literal proof that he isn't willing to commit to you. If he isn't going to commit with you, why stay with him?

    If you want to be married to someone, it'll have to be with someone else, who actually is willing to be an equal to you, and commit to you.

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