Lilapop on-line webcams for YOU!



Date: October 20, 2022

14 thoughts on “Lilapop on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. You’re not even close to the altar this man is not going to marry you and if he does you will be miserable. 35 is still young, you have time. Engagement is supposed to have an end date, he’s dragging his feet and stringing you along. You want a husband and kids James won’t give you either. Please please move on.

  2. That's what I was wondering. Or she's pissed and said this as a “you can have him” type comment. Which is gross, but this is all speculation either way.

    I just figured we don't know enough to assume the husband is also in on this.

  3. There always is isn’t there, but yea you’re right, I just need to accept that it’s actually over, but my heart just can’t still because I still love her so much

  4. “Trust me on my word”…. Yeaaaaaaaaa, and a lot of people went around with STDs for months, because their partners said that BS to them. Get tested together. And, if you keep refusing I hope she ends the relationship. Just because the blisters “disappear” doesn’t mean you don’t have an STD.

  5. I was mortified but he said he would only go back to his job if I dropped the idea of a job. What do I do guys?

    You dump him.

    He's controlling and manipulative.

  6. If a dude telling you that he is likely to hit you one day is not enough reason to break up with somebody, then what is?

  7. Just tell your mom that appreciate the work she did, but with your GFs prom and your being on the same day, you will be going with her to her prom.

  8. Honestly, sometimes normalizing relations with bigoted people isn't a bad thing.

    What the fuck lmao

    Have you ever talked to a kid raised in a family that was racist towards them?

  9. It's not ideal, especially as you've literally just turned 18. You're both at different points in your lives, and even at 27 he's going to have more life experience.

    He's sus for dating a fresh 18 year old at 27, you might want to think about why he would rather date someone who was a child until very recently and not women closer to his age.

    9 years is normal for 30+ year olds in relationships but at 18 and 27 it's very, very different and there's definitely going to be a power and maturity imbalance between you two.

  10. Don’t get angry with him. Communicate with him and tell him what you don’t like but understanding it comes from a good place. Also, people with bipolar disorder do sometimes need someone looking over them, particularly with regards to keep taking their medication especially in manic episodes.

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