I don't think op blames his gf for what happened. It just hurts him because he is insecure. But as you said love gets better with intimacy. When I got with my girlfriend I was also inexperienced and insecure. I definitely wasn't her best. But now 4 years later and she taught me how to get her off. Don't worry op. Just give it some time and everything will be good.
It wasn't the amount it was the perceived aggressiveness from you that put me off. Of course I do not like hearing that information but I would have been more susceptible to the message if it was more like the other messages that have the same advice but are less aggressive. I'm a man who can take no for an answer but I am not someone who will take needless hostility. If she had given me an out right no I will never date you I would not have been left wondering for the last couple of months and I wouldn't have asked for advice. So thank you for the advice but next time leave your hostility at the door.
Maybe graciously accept the apology and realize she loves you for who you are?
The bar is so low
Stop doing his laundry if he dirtied it don't wash it
I don't think op blames his gf for what happened. It just hurts him because he is insecure. But as you said love gets better with intimacy. When I got with my girlfriend I was also inexperienced and insecure. I definitely wasn't her best. But now 4 years later and she taught me how to get her off. Don't worry op. Just give it some time and everything will be good.
Ok, so you were barely of age and she was almost 30 when you started dating? Sounds like projection to me…
Besides, I'm past 40 and I very much enjoy watching stranger things.
Once you open Pandora's box, it is nude to put the genie back in the bottle.
It wasn't the amount it was the perceived aggressiveness from you that put me off. Of course I do not like hearing that information but I would have been more susceptible to the message if it was more like the other messages that have the same advice but are less aggressive. I'm a man who can take no for an answer but I am not someone who will take needless hostility. If she had given me an out right no I will never date you I would not have been left wondering for the last couple of months and I wouldn't have asked for advice. So thank you for the advice but next time leave your hostility at the door.