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Lou_velive sex stripping with Live HD


11 thoughts on “Lou_velive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. One thing I’ve learned about certain friends is to always prepare to be disappointed. Two of my best friends, despite me begging them, couldn’t give a shit to attend my wedding. When one’s engagement happened, I have to admit that I foolishly expected to be involved, seeing as how she had told me repeatedly that I’d obviously be her maid of honor. To then discover via a third party that I wasn’t even in the bridal party was absolutely heartbreaking. I asked her about it and I was told (very awkwardly) “it was family only”. I basically uninvited myself out of sadness. Petty? Maybe, but I was crushed and I also didn’t want my feelings to put a damper on her celebration, so I just bowed out. (The biggest reason I had for not going at all was because she expected me to do her makeup and hair for free (I was working as a freelance wedding/event MUA), to help with decor DIYs, wedding day set-up, and to help her bridesmaids/“family” get ready, though I’d be nothing but a regular guest. I was not okay with that. I felt severely used.) We stopped being friends after that. Her wedding was postponed due to Covid and didn’t happen until 2 years later, but once it did happen, I saw photos via Facebook that it definitely wasn’t family only. I haven’t spoken to her in over 3 years. I’m better for it because I don’t have to deal with that half-assed friendship anymore, but I was definitely heartbroken and I still feel sad every once in a while.

    They say people are mostly good, but I’ve found it to be the opposite. People will do anything they can to get what they want from you. At least that’s my experience. ??‍♀️

  2. is very different to telling your partner they cant have any 'alone time' at all

    So are you saying that if their partner said no to “alone time” and he agreed to it but then broke his promise that would be okay? I think we can all agree that some boundaries are ridiculous and breaking a boundary, while always a bad thing, isn't equally as bad regardless of the boundary

  3. You know 0 about my situation and why we got married lol. I also don't explain that to you. Not everyone views marriage the same way, there were no “vows” and neither of us believe in that crap anyway.

  4. If jealousy is a recurring pathology in this relationship you should both be seeking some talk therapy to move past that character flaw. Obviously since this woman is your husband's mother's neighbor he didn't have the freedom to throw “an actual fit”. So he did the diplomatic thing, took her number (almost certainly without any intention to use it). But if he's possessive of you as well this is a huge problem. Try to get to the point where you understand that if you trust your partner social niceties are no threat to you. Since you asked for it, you're “being ridiculous for being upset”. However, you were upset and on top of that you indicate that your husband is likewise “ridiculous” about the people you talk to. Get the help you both need.

  5. Your vagina clearly made contact with him as well, if you weren't wearing a protective padding barrier… ?

  6. I'm confused, he wants you to move for the Summer? Or he's finishing school where you are and moving back home and wants you to go with him?

    Anyway. Look, my circumstances are not yours, we're nowhere near the same age, our lives are different, however, I lived with my dad while he had cancer, I took care of him every day during his last month. I know for him it made a difference to have me by his side, and it made a difference for me.

    If your mother has a year, and you're only 20, make it work with your boyfriend in a way that won't weigh on you – your mom is dying, that's a harsh truth, and you have a life to on-line. I believe, however, in not living with regrets – you need to figure out for yourself if you would rather regret not being by your mother or not being close to your boyfriend.

    I don't mean to diminish your relationship, but. Your mother is dying, if she only has an estimated year left, that's it, whereas your boyfriend is a possibility. Hell, you guys could break up for any number of reasons next month, let alone in the next year, but your mom is likely to not be around anymore by this time in 2024.

    But from one daughter to another, don't think of caring for your mom as an obligation, it will only burden you and fill you with resentment over time; think of it as a want, you gotta want to be there for her, because if her cancer does progress and gets bad enough, shit will get very bad for you too, and it will be difficult enough without it being what you feel you have to do. And it's perfectly ok to not want to do it – seriously, it is nude, it's so hot, it's gonna take a lot out of you.

    Again, choose your regrets carefully.

  7. Just keep saving OP. Your partner needs to properly look at his terrible saving skills and make a plan

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