Louis the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


Louis, 23 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Louis

Louis on-line sex chat

Date: October 7, 2022

10 thoughts on “Louis the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I dont think theres anything you can do physically in bed to get him to be more vocal if he already isnt. maybe just talk to him about how hearing him be more vocal turns you on

  2. yes!! you hit the nail on the head here.

    I grew up in a very conservative state where women are routinely shamed for their bodies. My *family* culture, however, was quite different. I saw my parents hard all the time growing up, and even asked questions about the human body as a kid that I never would have thought to ask otherwise if I was made to fear or villify nudity.

    “Why do you have that scar on your belly?” turned into an informative conversations about natural birth vs C-sections. “How come one of your breasts is different than the other?” turned into a conversation about human body diversity. “Why do you have hair there?” was a great segue into discussing how I would eventually hit puberty.

    These were all important lessons, taught with love, that occurred organically and as the result of my natural curiosity.

    I was on a swim team when I was a child, so I saw lots and lots of naked bodies growing up. When I got older and heard some girls making fun of another girl in the showers, I was first to say, “Everyone's body is different and develops differently, and there's nothing wrong with that at all. you just sound insecure, which you don't have to be, because you're beautiful in your own way, too”. that response came naturally to me, because of how I was raised.

    I have never hated my body, or questioned its validity, and I genuinely beleive that is in large part due to being exposed to body diversity so young, and having those conversations with my mother, her friends, other elder women in saunas, in the locker room, skinny dipping in lakes. and I'm grateful for those lessons.

    “Don't EVER let anyone tell you that your body is a source of shame to be covered up”, my mom said to me once. “But be cautious around men. Cautious, but never ashamed.”

    I wish we taught more children this.

  3. If I came to Reddit I’m obviously not OK with it shit, you need to pump the breaks I’m not a pedo never have never will you need to chill with your name calling you don’t know the effects it has on people. You sound like a literal child. I’ve been very respectful and have taken what the people dish but I will not stand for this. Stop being so hateful

  4. Thank you so much 🙁 I agree, there definitely has to be men who are happily monogamous. It’s just hard because he basically shoved the idea that no man is monogamous down my throat for months on end, now I have to start over and basically retrain my way of thinking since he corrupted it so much:(

  5. Not to mention that extreme swelling of the face and feet sounds like it could be preeclampsia which is extremely serious.

    Pregnancy can be life-threatening. It changes your entire body. Every pregnancy is unique and women need support when it’s a nude pregnancy. Not judgment and mistreatment.

    This guy is the actual worst.

  6. Run. You are being gaslit. The longer you stay, the more abusive this man will get. Leave him, block him, and make all your social media private. Just Run and don’t look back.

  7. Where is your kid in all of this?? Who looks after her when you're at work and she goes out clubbing or when she takes off on these trips on short notice?

    I think you should start documenting every single thing that goes on. I'm sorry to say but it looks like your relationship is probably over so now you need to concentrate on getting custody (which, if she wants to be a jet-setting influencer, she probably won't put up a fight for custody).

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