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10 thoughts on “lovebite7544live sex stripping with Live HD

  1. First step is to get him out, not having their abusers around can help so much, you have to know this is a long hot road to recovery, the only uposide (for the lack of a better word) imo, is your dog didn't become aggressive, I knew someone that went through similar to your situation (but it was the girlfriend instead of sister advising his dog), but the dog became aggressive and bit, the dog had to be put down because rehabilitation wasn't helping and by that time the dog had bitten several people and a small dog of the neighborhood when he escaped from home.

    I know is a long shot but you can ask if you can sue your sister for property damage (unfortunately in the eyes of law pets are property), if only to punish your sister for being a monster.

    Moving forward don't trust anything or any future pet/child/pet rock to your family to take care of them. If you ever have to leave your dog alone again or into someone else's care.

  2. No I’m not harassing her constantly I did back off and was being good to her I was doing good getting back to normal till she made some stuff obvious. I love her more than even she knows and I have told her if I don’t make her happy or if she needs time away I will let her do what she wants, from December last year to tonight I have her brought up divorce (she has) I have never told her I didn’t have time for her (she’s told me) I have never told her not to come home (she told me) I never said I didn’t need her (she told me) even after everything if she came home and hugged me and told me she was sorry even for just what she said and asked me to help her find a way to make it work I would.

  3. Yeah apparently sapphires come in all colors and are very hard so they make for a good durable option! I didn’t know before either.

  4. Been there and done that. It's only a matter of time before he insinuates that he can't forgive her if they're just going to be friends, but he could see his way to doing it if she'd juuust give him a chaaaaance, and then if God forbid they do date, he'll still hold it over her head forever anyway and throw it at her in every fight they have.

  5. I genuinely don’t care. The past is the past. It’s a much healthier headspace for us to focus on the now and the future together.

    I do have the option BTW. I just choose him every day. Sounds cheesy but it’s true.

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