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LovelyAmberRileylive sex stripping with LIVE Cams


14 thoughts on “LovelyAmberRileylive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. I'm a nurse as well and my bf is a brand new CPA. I work agency and I make more than him, almost double lately.

    I would never in a million years make him feel he needs to help w a family expense like this, when he makes less AND i could do it. If he wanted to help, ofc. We are a team. But this makes me hurt for you. I wouldn't expect someone to drain themselves for this. That's his family, not yours. He should front both of your shares or ask you for half of a share, something fair. Good luck!

  2. No reason to do anything right now although you should be honest with her about your attitude towards having kids.

  3. I'm sorry OP but this is very toxic, please leave this abusive b!tch. Don't wait for her to actually kill you.

  4. Seriously. His GF repeatedly assured him it’s big. That’s like telling a girl with obviously large boobs “only girls with small boobs do that!”

    Like it’s a clear and obvious joke

  5. Thank you for your feedback! I think what has thrown me off the most was him telling me he loves me so quickly, but in my experience everyone has different standards for when they’re ready to say that. I do believe he was being genuine when he said it but it was a bit awkward for me because you could tell he was really hoping I’d say it first (which he later admitted) The interesting thing I’m finding in this relationship that I didn’t have in previous ones is I seem to understand him really well and catch onto his body language extremely easily. He’s said it’s almost like I can read his mind lol

  6. You feel wronged because you’re a piece of shit that cheated, tried tossing hands with his sister, and got your ass kicked and the video went viral?


  7. Having a child shouldn’t be spontaneous.

    If you two decide you want kids, she can have the IUD removed at any time.

    She’s 35 though. The ship has sailed on having kids and is getting further away as she’d already be at greater risk at her age.

    My dude, I don’t think she wants to have kids. Period.

  8. Tell him your body and health is your choice. He can mention a legitimate concern only if he really believes you need to see your Dr. Your weight and eating habits do not count as legitimate concerns as you are an adult and know how food works. It is 100% up to you to decide how to deal with your body.

    If he can't handle that, I personally wouldn't stay with someone who can't accept that I am in charge of my own health and body.

  9. You can also sit him down and ask him upfront if he's losing interest. His answer, expressions will tell you a lot about it.

    All relationship to through a honeymoon stage, mine did but we're still making efforts for one another. No matter what happens I hope everything works out well for you, and good luck.

  10. Sorry dude but you were wrong with your actions and embarrassed your wife. You could have handled it much even with the points you. YTA for your actions

  11. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    The title says it pretty much, now before you come at me with pitchforks in hand, ready to hang me for being such an inconsiderate boyfriend, please hear me out:

    – 6 years in a relationship, the last 4 have been in a dead bedroom (lack of sex and intimacy).

    – Since we moved together I've been the breadwinner, paying all the rent or 70% of it, plus living expenses.

    – Been on couples counseling for years with two different therapists (which i paid), have told her in a concise and clear way that having the economic responsibility for both of us makes me sad and resentful. She works halftime the other half she tries to make it as a fashion content creator.

    well that pretty much sums it up, last two months I just stopped being the usual cheery caring bf and just felt sad and demotivated. We have been fighting a lot since then. I have been very resentful so much that I am beginning to say hurtful things and my perspective of her is being skewed because f my ire. So i am planning to break up on Friday and today she says “I'm gonna quit” and much like the sinking of the titanic, my heart plummeted to the depths of my stomach. I felt a deep sense of NOOOPE not again. I can't I won't be your economic support once more after literal years of telling her to look for another job. Now I feel like absolute shit because ok I wanna break up with her but she's going through this work crisis. What should I do? wait? tell her before she quits? help her get a job? There's way more details on this but thats basically it.

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