Lumen and Star the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


Lumen and Star, y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Lumen and Star

Lumen and Star on-line sex chat

Date: October 30, 2022

10 thoughts on “Lumen and Star the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. OP that's terrible advice.

    Talk to your wife. All your solutions are reasonable. Her not liking porn is weird, but something you said you could compromise around.

    My sex drive is higher than my spouses. I'd have sex multiple times a day.

    I usually only make time to take care of myself around bedtime.

    You don't have an addiction. You have a higher than average sex drive and are taking care of a bodily function.

    My wife is a sound sleeper she doesn't care if I take care of myself after she falls asleep. Sometimes I am worried about disturbing her rest and take care of myself elsewhere.

    So talk to your wife. Have her explain her thoughts on porn, on masturbation. What about you taking care of yourself upsets her? Does she feel she's not enough? Does she think porn makes you attracted to other women? Does she have a jealousy issue?

    Again, you're right for not guilting her into sex. She needs to not guilt you about taking care of yourself.

  2. But it would also suck to never be able to have a family vacation with all her kids, because she has to ship the twins off to her ex for every vacation. That would also not be in the kids' best interest.

  3. I ALSO WANT TO ADD!! I love him more than anything. Does this mean his eyes are wandering? he says he loves me just as much. It’s difficult to put into words here but we have a really special relationship and fit into each others everyday life perfectly. I thought we were soulmates. I think I can get past this, but I want to know what everyone thinks. I want to trust him, and if you all think I should then I know I can. I’ve already forgiven him but I am thinking if I should begin to prepare myself for a breakup.

  4. I feel bad saying no when he always gets disappointed afterwards. I know no matter what I do, if I say no, he will get that way. To me he seems to withdraw affection when I do, which is why I said yes

    red flag right there. Learn how to stop letting someone manipulate you. Perhaps your therapist can help you with that.

  5. I’ve got friends that are brutal for texting back. Some text back instantly, others, you could be waiting hours. Some people are just like that.

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